Chapter 28: The Scottish Prince

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Chapter 28: The Scottish Prince

Jillian stood nervously beside Gail, trying to regain her composure as they made their way out of the forest, Gail slicing the brambles blocking their way. And suddenly, quite possibly the strangest thing they had seen appeared in front of them, which was saying something. Jillian and Gail had seen quite a few things recently, so this strange thing was saying something. A Scottish Prince stood before their very eyes, a green and black checkered kilt hanging from his faded green jacket. A golden sword was clasped in his hands and a silver crown with intricately carved leaves and pearls sat impressively on his head. 

"Yes, I see him too," Gail said, denying Jillian's fear that this was another vision and the forest was playing tricks on them again. "Let's find out what he wants and leave.  I don't fancy another duel today, do you, darlin?'"

"What if he offers us bangers and mash?" Jillian asked. "It has been a rather long day, hasn't it?" 

"Then we take the bangers and mash and leave," Gail rolled his eyes. "Bloody hell, love, didn't they teach you this in spy school?" 

Before Jillian could interrupt and give him a long and complicated answer about why she had never *been to* 'Spy School', which was absolutely an organization in the Wordsmith Academy unlike some mortals had previously assumed, the prince drew his sword and pointed the sharp blade at her neck. The most disturbing thing was, Jillian noted, that the blade was already dripping with fresh blood. 

"Are you from this land, fair stranger?" The prince asked. "I feel sure I would remember the beauty of the rose as it stands before me now." 

"Er...I...we- come from the distant land of Shadowstream," Jillian stammered. "I am Jillian Curie and this is Gail Sultan. Fair warning, one of us is an asshat. And it's not me." 

"I am Prince Oliver of the Clan Sinclair," the prince said, his accent thick as he circled them, his sword inching closer by the second. "If you are strangers, be good lad and lassie and prove yourselves to be worthy of trespassing among Sinclair lands." 

"We have no weapons, Prince Oliver, terribly sorry we are ah...unable to complete your request," Jillian said. "We don't mean to cause you any harm, and will be out of your way as soon as you see fit." 

"Well, at least the fair sex as respect for the superiors," said Oliver. 

Jillian growled softly but stood her ground as Gail placed a hand on his sword. 

"In all due respect, it would seem 'the Superior is not worthy of that title," he said with a glance to Jillian. 

Jillian looked ready to hit Gail if he interfered, so he simply took a step back and let her do the talking. She fished around in the many pockets of her coat, keeping a hand inside one as she performed complex movements with the other, creating circles and shapes in the air. Gail realized what she was trying to do a second too late, and sneakily performed his own magic with her movements, the orange glow illuminating the backs of her fingers as the magic danced from one hand to the other. 

"Magician," Oliver's eyes widened, and he sank into a low bow. "Are you a wizard, fair lady?" 

"Er..." Jillian broke off, for once at a loss for words. 

Gail hit her arm and nodded frantically behind her, secretly moving his hands behind his back so that the magic swarmed around in dizzying patterns before exploding in a million colors. Jillian was still stammering for words, moving her hands around as she tried to explain the magic, but failing miserably. 

"Yes, good prince Oliver," Gail said, splaying his arms proudly as he drew Jillian over. "This is Jillian Curie, the great wizard of Scriptor Artes Et Mystics, don't you know? Why, the Good Wizard Curie, there isn't a scrape she can't get herself out of. She's faced down...dragons, wasn't it? And a fearsome Ice King!" 

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