01 chaos

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Everywhere I look is pure chaos.

My heart pounds against my wolf's ribcage as I race through the trees to fight off the trespassers on our land. We've been preparing weeks for this and I know I'm in safe hands when I battle alongside my brother.

Dead wolves scatter the forest floor and I refuse to let myself become one of them.

I might not be the strongest but I'm quick on my feet due to the size of my wolf. She's nimble and sneaky and I trust her with all my heart–even if we're running head on into danger. My family will protect me if I need to but I don't want to be a damsel in distress. I'm ready to let my wings spread wide and free.

Viola. Imogen's voice floods through my head. Everything okay?

A grey wolf comes barrelling towards me with blood dripping off their canines. I swerve out of the way at the last second before turning back to the intruder. I growl at the sight of them as they halt in the dirt.

Need back up. I state.

On my way.

My paws grind into the dirt before pushing off the ground and racing towards them. I duck beneath their sharp teeth and run straight into their legs, sending us to the floor with a tumble. I extend my arms and scratch my claws down the centre of their spine.

Imogen's larger wolf steps to my side and clamps her mouth around the back of his neck before twisting and ripping his throat from his body. The wolf falls onto me and I kick it off without hesitation.

I stand on my four paws and shake out my limbs. Imogen steps closer, a small gash across her cheeks. You okay?

Yeah. I got this.

Good. Imogen's head twists, sensing more wolves. Come on, let's do this together.

We both start to run off until a subtle smell has me stopping in my tracks. I flick my head over my shoulder but I cannot see anyone else. The sounds of growls and howls of pain echo in the distance but I'm alone.

The second I take a step to join Imogen, I'm flooded with the smell of damp wood and spice. My tongue burns as if I can taste it and my blood freezes in my veins. I gulp and look again but I can't see any wolves.

A tingling sensation forms around my head and I lose my breath. What the hell is that?

I shudder at the feeling and release a whine as it becomes stronger. My chest tightens and I attempt to use my lungs as deeply as possible but I'm blinded by the scent once more. I inhale and my wolf screams, eager to move closer. But I hold our legs back.

A branch snaps behind me and I twist my head in the direction. Blood roars in my ears and I know I should move but I can't. I'm stuck. I'm falling into a trance of the wave of comfort but deep down I cannot trust a single thing.

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