Chapter 5: The Unknown Newcomer

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As Ammon entered the Celestial Registration Center, he felt the weight of many eyes upon him—watchful gazes from individuals with celestial powers, each curious about the newcomer in their midst.Navigating through the grand hall adorned with celestial symbols, Ammon's keen senses led him to a list of registered rankers, each name representing a different level of celestial prowess. His goal was to select an opponent for the assessment, a decision that would determine his initial rank within Emeralis's structured hierarchy. Amidst the sea of names, Ammon's gaze settled on one that appeared unassuming—a choice he believed would allow him to remain discreet and avoid drawing unwanted attention, particularly from figures like Zeus.Approaching the designated area, Ammon stood before his chosen opponent—a figure whose demeanor betrayed little of their true capabilities. Unbeknownst to Ammon, the name he had selected belonged to an S-Ranker, an individual of formidable celestial prowess.The battle commenced, celestial energies intertwining in a mesmerizing display of skill and power. Despite the disparity in their ranks, Ammon chose not to unleash his full abilities, opting instead to test his opponent with calculated precision.The S-Ranker, initially caught off guard by Ammon's measured approach, quickly realized the true extent of his opponent's strength. Yet, Ammon's restraint in utilizing his celestial powers left the S-Ranker perplexed and uncertain.As the battle progressed, Ammon's strategic maneuvers and unparalleled combat prowess began to overshadow his opponent's initial advantage. With each calculated strike and defensive stance, Ammon showcased the mastery of a seasoned warrior—an embodiment of ancient wisdom and unyielding resolve. Though the S-Ranker fought valiantly, Ammon's true strength remained veiled beneath a facade of controlled restraint. He sought to maintain a low profile, wary of drawing attention to his return and inadvertently alerting figures like Zeus to his presence.Ultimately, the battle culminated in Ammon's victory—a testament to his indomitable spirit and unwavering determination. With quiet humility, Ammon acknowledged the prowess of his opponent, recognizing the significance of this encounter within the intricate tapestry of Emeralis's celestial hierarchy. After the intense battle concluded with Ammon's victory over the S-Ranker, he approached the defeated opponent once more, seeking to learn more about the individual who had challenged him.

"May I ask your name?" Ammon inquired respectfully, his voice carrying a hint of curiosity.

The S-Ranker, still recovering from the battle, responded with a grudging acknowledgment. "I am Kael," he replied tersely, his tone laced with a mixture of frustration and admiration.

"You fought well, Kael," Ammon acknowledged, extending a gesture of respect despite his desire to maintain a low profile. "Your strength is formidable."

Kael grunted in response, clearly displeased by the outcome of the battle. "It was a fluke," he muttered, his words tinged with bitterness.

With that, Kael turned and exited the registration arena, leaving Ammon to contemplate the significance of their encounter.

Unfazed by Kael's dismissal, Ammon made his way to the registration desk, where the attendant awaited him with a respectful nod.

"Congratulations on your victory," the attendant remarked, acknowledging Ammon's success in the assessment. "Please provide your details so we can assign your celestial rank."

Ammon complied, offering his information with quiet determination. As the attendant processed the registration, Ammon's thoughts drifted to the implications of his newfound rank within Emeralis's celestial hierarchy.

Upon completion of the registration process, Ammon received his official celestial identification—a testament to his prowess and determination in the face of formidable challenges.

Leaving the Celestial Registration Center, Ammon's mind buzzed with anticipation, his thoughts consumed by the enigmatic trials that lay ahead.

Unbeknownst to Ammon, his journey into Emeralis was far from over. With each step, he ventured deeper into the heart of a city shaped by mortal ambition and celestial intrigue—a world where legends of old intersected with the boundless potential of mortal hands and celestial gifts.

As the echoes of gods and legends reverberated through Emeralis, Ammon's path was shrouded in uncertainty yet guided by the promise of new horizons and untold trials yet to come—an enigmatic journey that would redefine his legacy amidst the shadows that loomed on the horizon.

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