A new starting

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Part one :

Liam wakes up early in the morning, he gets up and stretches.
He walks over to the bathroom and begins his morning by brushing his teeth and hair and putting on a cute outfit. (A black long sleeve shirt with a pink star on it and baggy jeans.) He gets up and walks into the kitchen to see what his mom is making for breakfast, he takes a seat in the chair and looks at his mother while she is cooking. She seems to be cooking eggs and bacon. A few minutes pass by and she comes and brings out his food. "Here, eat fast we need to talk about something Liam." His mother says to him. He nods slightly and begins eating quickly. Approximately 10 minutes later as he finishes his food he puts it in the sink and his mom walks over to him and hands him a paper. He looks down at it, it says "summer camp"  boldly on the front. Liam shouts "Summer camp?? You're sending me away???" He seems to be infuriated with this. His mother says, "It's just for a little while, me and your father cannot deal with your shit anymore." .... Silence enters the air, "go get packed because we're leaving in a week." she says in a pissed off tone. Liam walks away and slams his door. As he enters his room he throws himself onto his bed and immediately calls his friends to tell him about this. An incoming call from Liam pops up on their screens, they answer pretty fast. "Heyy Liam" Jackie says, "Liam!! Heyy" Luca says. (Jackie and Luca are Liam's friends sense kindergarten. They've been there for him forever.) "Guys my mom is sending me to a summer camp." Liam says angrily. "Oh my god my mom is too" Luca blurts out, "same!" Jackie then says. They're all shocked that each of them are also gonna be at that summer camp, maybe it won't be so bad Liam thinks to himself. Liam's mom shouts from outside his door and everyone on call can hear her. "Liam your ass better be packing.".... "Hey guys I have to go sorry." Liam says. "Ahh okay bye liam!" Luca says..... "Bye bro" Jackie says. Liam hangs up the call and starts packing up his things, he doesn't have a lot of things so it doesn't take awhile for him to do so. As he finishes packing he receives a text from Luca, "hey wanna hangout before camp begins?"...... Liam responds back quickly saying "yeah sure! I'll be over in a bit." .... Luca responded back with a simple "Kk" and Liam made his way over to Lucas house. He walks past a pretty park, it was so beautiful at this time in the evening. As he arrives at Luca's house he rings their doorbell. It takes Luca a minute to awnser the door but he does. "Hey!" Luca says loudly and excitedly, clearly happy to see his "best friend"...... "hey Luca!" Liam says..... "Oh oh come in! Hah.." Luca says and opens the door wider so Liam can make his way in. Liam walks in and Luca shuts the door behind him, as Luca walks his way into his bedroom Liam follows him. "So... It's been awhile how have you been?" Luca says. "Ah just fine til my stupid mom told me that dumb shit about a summer camp.".... Luca laughs, Liam stares at Luca without even realizing. ...... Silence as Luca notices Liam staring at him. Liam tries to ease the silence by saying something, "so how about you?".... "oh heh! same as you.".....Luca says back to him. Liam smiles at him and they begin chatting about almost everything in their lives, just like old times. They chat for a while til Liam gets a text from his mom, "Get home now." As soon as Liam got that text he told Luca bye and he'll see him soon and rushed home. Later that night Liam stays up late thinking about how summer camp will be. It won't be that bad right? He thinks to himself. If only he knew what was gonna happen, he falls asleep listening to music. As he awakens the next morning by his mother screaming at him to get up, get his bags, and come on. He goes into his bathroom to get dressed into a cute tank top and some jeans with converse shoes. He grabs his bags and drags them out into the car and shoves them in the trunk. He sits in the passenger seat by his mom as she begins driving, he takes a look at his phone, 7:21 AM. Pretty early for him, as they begin driving he passes by the most beautiful scenery. He listens to his music as the long drive continues, he doesn't even realize but he drifts off into a nap. A few hours pass and his mom says, "Liam wake up for gods sake were here." He awakens easily as she says that. He looks around, trees, small cabins, and Luca and Jackie. He gets out of the car and grabs his stuff out of the trunk while a worker there greets him and his mom and tells him where to put everything. He puts everything down and walks over to Jackie and Luca, he makes his goodbye to his mother as he won't see her for a bit. She begins driving away, well I guess that's it no backing out at all now.

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