The rotting corpse

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As Liam point the flashlight towards it.

All they see is something so disturbing.

It was a body.. A dead one.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my GOD!!" Liam says freaking out.
Luca puts his hand over Liam's mouth, "shhh we don't know if the person who did this is still out here." Luca says and Liam nods agreeing with him. "We need to tell Jackie." Luca says. "Should we wait til tomorrow?" Liam says. "No we need to tell her now, if there is a murderer in this camp we all need to be alert." Luca says.

They begin walking back to the cabins

They reach the girls cabins.

"Let's sneak in through the window" Liam says, Luca nods and follows him.

They get to the window and unlatch it

They walk over to Jackie who is dead asleep and nudge her.

"AHH!" Jackie screams


Luca puts his hand over her mouth.

"Shushh, don't alert everyone else." Luca says.

Jackie sits up "what are you doing here???" She says

"We have to tell you something." Liam says and Luca sits down next to her.

"Okay spill, DID YOU GUYS KISS" Jackie says.

"Not yet" Liam says.

"NOT YET?? WE WERE GONNA?" Luca says excitedly.

"Maybe until we found a DEAD BODY." Liam says

"YOU FOUND WHAT??" Jackie says.

"Oh yeah so basically..." Luca says

"Yeah we found a rotting corpse in the woods while we were on our date" Liam says.

"You consider our walk as a date?" Luca says blushing and giggling

"Ok guys stop flirting for one second and SPILL EVERYTHING." Jackie says.

"So basically we were walking in the woods and some person with a flashlight was like hiding something and it was A DEAD BODY." Liam says.

"Who's body?? Was it a person here?" Jackie says.

"I don't know I didn't get a good look" Luca says.

"Okay show me where it is, I wanna see." Jackie says.


"Come on, let's go look" Luca says.

"Fine but this is a bad idea." Liam says

"Don't be a scaredy cat Liam" Jackie says.

They sneak out the cabin and go back into the woods.

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⏰ Last updated: May 10 ⏰

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