Chapter 9 • the homesick song

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"Chase this dream, gotta leave the bed I'm sleeping in"




"Really? I didn't think you'd be into blondes" Khio eyes the unknown shopper walking by us, whom I just deemed smashable.

We've been at the mall all day, shopping for tonight. I signed us both up for Blind Date Night at the campus pub. I've noticed that Khio has fully thrown herself into schoolwork lately, she distances herself and I haven't seen or spoken to her the past few days.

But today I got her away from her books, she needs a change of scenery and I need a new date outfit.

I feel like we could both use a fun night out. And who knows, maybe meet someone in the meantime. If it's not fun, we can go home and laugh about it later.

I've noticed something else about Khio, even before she told me about what happened back home. She has this hint of sadness around her, I wonder if she even realizes herself. It's been more prominent lately.

Don't get me wrong. She's the perfect student. A beautiful young girl who works hard, drives a nice car, and has friends and a roof over her head. But when I look into her eyes, there's a dullness, the spark is gone. I don't remember ever seeing it, but I feel like she's lost it.

I've tried talking to Megan and Niall about it, but I fear they don't see through Khio's façade. Maybe it's just the Psychology student in me telling me to analyze her.

"I don't think I really have a type" I take a bite of my pokebowl. It was her idea to get them, I said we could eat dinner at my place but she quickly turned that down. I'm pretty sure she just doesn't want to bump into Harry.

"Oh! Double smash!" Khio points her wooden fork to 2 men walking in the distance.

"Oh, nice catch!" I grin. "Anyway, I want to go to one more store" I finish my pokebowl and throw it in the bin next to us.

"I thought you decided on an outfit already?" She takes her last bite, I take the paper bowl from her and toss it.

"Oh I have an outfit, but you don't"

"I was just going to wear this" She looks down at her outfit, simple denim jeans with a maroon Uni sweater.

"You're kidding me, right? There's no way you're wearing that to a date" I take her hand, linking her arm in mine as I take big steps to the store I was talking about.

"I'm not going on this date night to get a boyfriend anyways" She shrugs.

"No, but you could at least dress hot and maybe have some fun" I lead her into the store, towards the dresses.

After at least half an hour of trying on dresses, Khio is standing in front of me in a silk little black dress. It hugs her waist perfectly, the top of it seems like some sort of corset, and the back is backless and shows off her pale skin even more.

"Do you like it?" I look at her face through the mirror.

"This one is really nice" She turns to look at herself. She smiles, but the sparkle is still absent.

"You should totally wear this tonight" I cross my arms and lean back into a chair. You know, those chairs they put in fitting rooms for boyfriends to wait on.

"I don't have a jacket or anything to go with it" She turns around to look at me, her long blonde hair falling in front of her face.

"I might have something, we'd have to drive past my house though" I answer, looking through my closet in my mind.

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