Part 2

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It was raining. Again. It seemed all it ever did in London was rain.

I could feel my depression like some kind of being inside me. It stirred my emotions and made me want to cry for what I had lost.


I had to find him, find him before somebody else did... I looked back down at the tracker and watched as the small flashing red dot moved across the screen slowly. He must be on a plane.

I waited under an apartment balcony as the sky continued to cry. I ruffled my blonde hair and held my temple, beginning to hate myself all over again. I should have told him when I had the chance, when we where neighbors and walked to school together. It was to late know to tell Jason that I loved him. That I killed his worst nightmare for him... but I knew it was all to late, for once Jason discovered the monster I had made him into, he'd surly hate me for eternity.

"Excuse me sir! Are you Alex Carter?"

I been so obsessed with my own thoughts, I had not realized my ride had arrived. I looked up unhurriedly from the screen and nodded. The woman was dressed in a tux and was wearing bright red lipstick. She smiled widely and pointed to a limousine that was waiting on me.

"Right this way sir."



Your name even brings me internal conflict. I looked down on his sleeping body and biting my lip, I blushed immensely. He was just sleeping in his snug Calvin Klein black boxers and was snoring in a heaven like state. His lean body was sprawled across the floor, his pillow several feet away from him along with his long forgotten blanket. Spending the night at this beauty's house was beyond any kind of cruel punishment and with the beast working down stairs in the basement...

My fingers fixed his tousled hair and gently ran over his soft cheek, then his lips. I drew in a shaky breath and snapped my hand back. Oh god... I was losing my composer. This was hell. I could feel my sanity slowly slipping away and I felt like eve, having the apple of temptation waved in front of my face. I could inhale its sweet crisp sent and fantasize about its taste, but I wasn't suppose to bite, taste, or touch. With only slight hesitation i leaned down and planted a kiss.

Seconds later I slammed the bathroom door shut and flipped on the light. I just stood there catching my breath. My heart was beating a hundred miles a minute and I couldn't get it to slow down.

That was way to close...

Jason had almost awoke after my little slip up.

I placed my hand above the toilet tank and moved the soft fabric away from my erection. I stroked my hard shaft, trying to hurry and rub one out. I bit my lower lip hard, suppressing myself from moaning out his name. I picked up the pace and my hand moved even faster. As so as I reached my climax I muttered his name lovingly.


Then the bathroom door opened...

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