Second Meeting

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When I woke, Christopher was already gone but he had laid my suit out on the other side of the bed. He was so good to me but as Christian had pointed out, he was not my man and I needed to get one. 

I took my time, dressing in the suit with care. I curled my short hair into a boyish style and put on some shades.

Wasn't much I could do about my delicate feminine neck or my tale tale lips but whatever. They were too pink and soft looking so no lip gloss today. I really didn't care if he figured out I was a woman or not but I'd rather just get it over and done with no issues.

For the ride, I borrowed a black Lincoln town car, it was a classic manly car I guess right?

I was more into mustangs but I'd settled for a tiny little Kia for Christian. He had seen one, wanted it and I got it.

Usually on Saturdays we'd have our date night but he understood that this job couldn't be refused and I made it up to him big time yesterday. 

And we would be set for like the rest of our lives. 

He was currently at his friend's house since I wouldn't be back until Monday morning.

I had hugged him tight, kissed all over his face and walked him down the street to Ivy's house.

I pulled up at the location I was given at 9:50 am. I knew it, a freaking mansion. I parked and waited for 10:15 am, the time that had been scheduled.

I tried to thin out my lips to make them look less plump and soft and I took my time opening my door, walking to the other side of the car, and opening his door. I had the swagger of a man down. I hoped this worked.

I suddenly found myself starring at the asswipe from yesterday. I couldn't help curling my lip in distaste. He stared at me for a moment, his face unreadable before he frowned and jerked his head towards the car as if I was a dog. What. A. Bastard.

I hope he remembered that knee to the balls, I thought.

I studied him closely, his wrist had been set and wrapped. It looked so out of place on him that it was hilarious.

"Would you like to share whatever it is that has amused you?" He said in annoyance. 

When I didn't reply he smirked. "Take a look around. This is one of the mansions I designed. Something you wouldn't have been able to afford in your whole life until you took this job for me, hmm perhaps not even now. You should thank me, really, but half a mil is nothing for me like it is for you."

He still hadn't learned his lesson and I am soooo not gonna go there today. I wasn't gonna lose my once in a lifetime chance to make half a mil.

I simply walked away, the bastard could open & close his own door. I started up the car and noticed him continuing to stand outside the car. I asked coolly in my best manly voice, "Is there a problem?"

He smirked. "I dropped something."

God, men could be so fucking childish. I smiled but I was really starting to get annoyed with him. "Well if aren't going to pick it up and enter the car..." I began to pull off.

"Wait, dammit!" He yelled. I smirked, pulling back into place and he got in, slamming the door. I ignored his glare and drove off. I counted to ten to focus on something else besides this ignorant man.

He pulled out his laptop and as his attention shifted, I calmed down.

Halfway to Texas, he had a phone call.

He tsked. "Ashley. I asked you not to call me anymore."

Her response.

"I told you that our week together was purely sexually, no strings. I don't do commitment and if I did you aren't the one. You told every reporter who'd give you the time of day that you were my soon to be fiancee. I really hope you enjoyed your temporary fame."

Her response.

"Yes well, if you wanted respect you wouldn't have came onto me for sex the first time we met. You didn't have a shred a dignity, self control, or morals. Quite frankly, you didn't even have walls as I remember. Goodbye."

I could feel that aggravating ass stare but I didn't say a word. I wanted to kick his ass six ways to sunday but I kept my temper in check. Disrespectful prick.

Hey I'm growing here, I deserve a cookie or two.

"Would you like to take a break?" I asked him politely.

"No." he sneered. "What do you have to use the potty?"

Thank God for the shades I wore to hide my expression..  I was fucking livid. I actually stepped on it to get him the f*ck out of the car and away from me before I broke something else. It seemed like I was driving forever before I saw the Welcome to Texas sign.

I still could feel his freaking stare.

Thank God we we're three minutes away from the destination. It was a huge company. Probably owned by him.

"Damn Women." He sighed. " All of them are money hungry and whores."

Naw I needed the whole damn cookie jar after this.

My patience finally ran out & I couldn't hold my silence any longer. "Not all women are money hungry or whores. Men do the same things, but when its a man is doing them, there's a double standard. Its not fair. Its like me saying all men are rapists. You should really stop assuming, you're making these assumptions off of the women you obviously like to deal with. I'm sure you've met women who didn't throw themselves at you and you passed them up because of it, or you said something insensitive to them that ran them away. Don't judge all women based off what you've allowed into your life. That woman must've found something really charming about you. Don't you want something stable? Don't you want love? Haven't you met someone who captured your attention in a way nobody else has?" I pulled up at the destination and opened his door for him.

He stepped out frowning. "Yeah. Something like that. But you wouldn't understand."


I smiled genuinely for the first time because I know I gave him a run for his money, two times. I forgot my dimples would definitely give me away. He stiffened and caught me off guard by snatching my shades off.

"You! I knew I remembered that suit from yesterday!"

"Yep Me. Flattered you remember. I hope you've learned your lesson. Have a great day sir." I blew him a kiss.

I was so bad ass!

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