New Beginning

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I woke to the annoying, unmistakable sound of the heart monitor beeping. Opening my eyes confirmed it, I was in the hospital.

I freaking hated hospitals.

My heart raced as I looked around, refusing to slow its pace until my gaze rested on Lamar and Christian.

In the pull out chair, Lamar held Christian in his arms and they both were asleep. I wished I could capture this moment.

"Hey baby girl, everything okay?" I turned to see my dad sitting on a couch with Kayleen and Christopher. He was the only one awake.

"I'm okay, Dad."

"Dad..." He smiled a little. "I thought I'd never get to hear you say that again. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you baby."

"Dad... its not your fault. I don't blame you at all. It's our new beginning and I don't want to spend it speaking on what's past. We have each other now. Finally. I would like to make as many new memories as I can to replace the past. What about you?"

"Me too. Now get some rest and sleep well knowing we're all here with you. I want my second grand child as healthy as a horse."

I opened my eyes wide in disbelief. "What?!"

"You didn't know you were pregnant?" He asked me

"No I never would've put my baby in any kind of danger had I knew!" I yelled, waking everyone up in.

"Our baby." Lamar said, yawning. "We're blessed that He wasn't harmed in the fight."

"She!" My dad corrected. And by the tone of his voice and Lamar's sigh I knew they'd been arguing about the sex of the baby for a while. I giggled.

Then I thought about what this meant. I wanted to ask Lamar was he upset I was pregnant but as I looked at him, he was already smiling at me.

"Its a He." He grinned. "You're about 15 weeks along." He said to me. Good god, 15 weeks! I looked at my still flat belly, I felt no different.

"She." My Dad said.

"I want a little sister." Christian said rubbing his eyes and climbing off Lamar to come to me. I held him close for a while before he whispered, "You said you wouldn't get hurt mom. I was scared."

"I'm not hurt, baby. I was just tired."

"I like Grandpa, Ma. He treats me like a man." I burst out laughing. Making room beside me in the hospital bed so he could climb in. We drifted back off into sleep.

**Later we stood in the courtyard of the house I had picked Lamar from when he'd tried to belittle me. It was actually kinda ironic. He opened the door and led us inside. "I hope we can make a lot of beautiful memories here." He said giving me a wry smile. I laughed.

He'd been busy while I was out, I thought as we walked the house. It had our Christmas tree up and Christian's room had Avengers everywhere and he was up there playing his new ps4. I was so happy. I couldn't stop smiling and rubbing my tummy. "15 weeks huh?" I said to Lamar still in awe as the others diappeared.

"Yeah, 3 1/2 months. I wish I'd taken better care of you, kept you protected."

"I think everything worked out perfectly." I said as I kissed him under the tree.

"Well almost perfectly," he said stepping away. Hurt, I started to kick his ass when I noticed everyone had gathered around.

When I turned back around Lamar was pulling out a tiny black box.

I gasped as he kneeled on one knee.

"Maria Renee, will you marry me?"

Speechless I kinda just stood there.

"Mom you better say yes cuz I'm not accepting another one of ya lil friends." Christian said, seriously.

I laughed hard nodding as I held my hand out for him to put the ring on me. I jumped into his arms forgetting I was pregnant as I crushed him to me. He held me to him just as hard before he relaxed cradling me.

"Now everything has worked out perfectly. Happy Christmas Eve, Renee."

"I love you, Lamar Maxwell."

"And I love you, Maria Renee." And we kissed, pulling apart as Christian told Lamar to stop eating my face.

We shared a secret smile as we saw Christopher and Kayleen creeping to the door to leave.

My dad had took Christian with him to his old house to get his things and that left me and Lamar alone. He led me upstairs to our bedroom and opened the door. Candles were lit everywhere but there was a path that led into the bathroom and I followed it as Lamar stayed back.  The tub was filled with bubbles and I turned back to meet Lamar's eyes as I stripped right teasing him. I wanted him to follow me. I wanted him inside me... Now.

*Deleted Sex Scene* Will be added in Resticted Chapters.


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