Day 11 (contd)

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Her skin was so soft and warm, I could hardly resist. I could feel my insides churning, my touch filled with desire, a warm fire ignite deep in my belly. All those days spent watching her, wishing I could touch her and feel her  and finally here she was within my grasp. She looked so helpless, so vulnerable like a delicious meal served on a silver platter.

There was a part of me, a large part in fact that wanted to take her right here and now. I had been waiting for this moment from the minute I met her and gazed into her hypnotic blue eyes. I wanted her to be mine, body and soul forever.

I knew this was the opportune moment to tell her how much I loved her. I reluctantly tore my eyes away from her oh so tempting neckline and looked back into her eyes.

"Samantha I--," I stopped when I saw the fear in them and realized her body was trembling. Was she ill? "Samantha what's wrong?"

I hastily pulled out the gag in her mouth to let her speak but before I could untie it she moved her head away from me and by the way she opened her mouth I could tell she was about to scream. I quickly clasped my hand over her mouth firmly and leaned in close enough to whisper into her ears.

"If you scream I'll have to take you back downstairs and I'll never take you outside again."

At hearing those words she nodded her head violently. I slowly released my hand from her mouth and I felt her body slump against the wall as she exhaled loudly. She didn't utter a word, she just looked at the floor and I could tell her mind was elsewhere. 

"Let me take this off," I said as I gently turned her around to undo the rope I had tied her hands with. As soon as the rope was off, I gripped her arm firmly and led her to my bed. She was as quiet as a mouse the whole time. 

I then tied one of her hands to one of mine as we sat on the edge of the bed, with about 20 inches of rope between the two of us. If she were to try anything at least I'd be within an arms reach to stop her. You can never be too careful.

She didn't seem to notice my actions. She just looked at the rose petals and the picture on the bed, her face had became a pale shade of blue and she looked like she was about to throw up.

"Samantha, what's wrong? You don't like the roses? Or the picture?"

"What are you going to do to me?" she whimpered finally. She looked so distraught, so devastated it broke my heart too see her this way. 

"Nothing you don't want me to do. Let's watch a movie, pick one, anything you want," I said quickly in  an attempt to make her feel better.

She looked slightly more relieved when she replied. "Were just going to watch a movie, nothing else right?" Her tone was a little too hopeful, it made me wonder why I repulsed her so much.  

"Yes, and dinner of course. I ordered some pizza today."

My heart sank when I saw her sigh in relief as she looked at the box of DVD's I had placed next to my bed. She seemed to look through them probably deciding what movie she wanted to watch but then she glanced at the bed and looked at me again.

"Why did you have to do that?" she pointed towards the heart I had prepared for her.

I wanted to say 'it's because I loved her' but instead all I said was, "I don't know, I guess I got carried away with excitement."

"And the picture? You saw me that night. You saw what I did?" she looked at me and then lowered her gaze to her feet unable to make eye contact any more. "You must think I'm a slut don't you?"

I cringed at her choice of words, I didn't think that at all. If there was one person to blame, it was Ben. 

"Of course not. I wouldn't have done all this if I thought that way of you. It wasn't you're fault. He lead you on, he kissed you."

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