Day 25

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Samantha rubbed her sweaty forehead as she lay on Jerry's large extremely comfortable bed while the movie 'Warm Bodies' played on the large LED screen T.V across from her. She wasn't a big fan of the movie but then again she wasn't exactly paying attention to it either.

Jerry was lying down next her of course, a bit too close for her liking. She could practically feel the heat emanating from his body. It was making her nervous and despite the cool atmosphere she was covered in sweat.

Yesterdays's dinner had been extremely awkward so he had suggested for them to watch a few movies in his room while having dinner. Ever since they kissed Samantha had been in absolute turmoil. Initially she felt so guilty she wanted to hurl every time she thought about it, but as the day went by all she could think about was how much she wanted to be in his arms again.

She was just so confused at the moment. She couldn't decide if she hated the guy or liked him. One minute she felt like strangling him to death, the next she wanted his tongue down her throat. What the hell was wrong with her?

Was she suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? Is this what that felt like? She'd heard about that before but she wasn't sure what the symptoms were. Maybe she was just going crazy. That made more sense.

"Hey, anyone there?" Jerry nudged her lightly.

"What?" she jumped at his touch.

"I asked if you like this movie. You didn't reply," he smiled though his eyes wore a look of concern. "Everything okay?"

"I'm fine, just peachy," Samantha replied although her demeanour said otherwise. "I've seen this movie before you know, it doesn't make any sense."

"It doesn't have to make sense to be nice," he replied looking at the screen. The lead actor was now human and he was kissing the lead actress.

"How can someone dead become alive again just because he fell in love. It's stupid," she said crossing her arms and frowning at him. "Your choice of movies suck."

He chuckled in response and Samantha couldn't decide if she found his laugh adorable or revolting.

"Well I felt dead until I met you," he teased and gazed deeply into her eyes, his lips curved into an amused smile as her eyes widened at his statement.

Her heart beat furiously but then she realized it was just a cheesy joke.

"God, that was bad," she laughed and hit him with a pillow. "You need to brush up on your pick-up lines."

"Okay, what about 'Did it hurt?"

"Falling from heaven, yea heard that one before. Is that all you got,"she challenged him. She was finally enjoying herself now that her mind wasn't all over the place.

"Is your father a terrorist--?"

"Because you're the bomb," she finished for him faking a yawn.

He laughed as he tried again. "Do you have a map?"

"Because I'm lost in your eyes? That's one of the worst I've heard, not surprised you knew it," she joked.

"Fine what about 'would you like a glass of wine?" he asked. He then jumped out of bed and took out a bottle of wine out from no where.

Surprised and slightly impressed by his spontaneity Samantha nodded her head excitedly. She couldn't remember the last time she drank and God knows she needed it.

After a few glasses of wine she felt her whole body relax and her senses began to dwindle ever so slightly. The rope that tied them together was longer today so she could lounge on the bed while he worked on his speakers. She rested her head on a pillow while she watched Jerry fidget with his sound system.He was wearing a wife beater today and a pair of navy shorts that stopped right above his knees.

The Perfect Date *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora