Chapter 7: The New Boy

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Chapter 7: The New Boy

Amy jumped out of bed, ready to go to school. Panic and shock ran through her body. The alarm clock! How could she have forgotten to set it up? With one eye closed, she looked at the time. She was five minutes late. She put on whatever shirt and jeans she can find and ran to her car.

As she made her way onto the school’s parking lot, she saw a group of the jocks in a circle. Thinking it was a fight, she pushed her way into the circle.

“Amy! Isn’t he just dreamy?” Said Stella, one of the cheerleaders.


“The new boy! He’s basically like the new talk of the school. He is gorgeous with the capital G-O… you know what I mean.” Stella turned back into the crowd.

Amy rolled her eyes at the humans. It was so typical for them to be amazed by new people. It was a small town after all.  She smiled as she saw Seth and Layla. They weren’t best friends, just really close ones. They were among the few humans to know about the werewolf population.  Amy trusted them, for they were different. They seemed to be very mature for their age… most of the time.

“We’ve been waiting for you! Why were you late?” Layla pulled Amy into a tight hug.

“Let me guess, the mob blocked your way into the entrance of the school?” Seth grinned as he joined the group hug.

“I know, poor kid! Remember when you were once the new kid, Layla?” At that question, Layla cringed.

“They didn’t leave me alone for like two whole weeks! Ugh. Let’s go to class.”

Mathematics was probably Amy’s favorite and best subject. She loved to solve problems and to do computations. Ten minutes passed and the teacher still hasn’t made her or his appearance. Guessing it was free time, the students started chatting.

“I heard the new boy moved here from Europe.” One girl sighed, dreamily.

“His accent is just so adorable!” Another squealed. 

“Never mind that. Did you see his body? That tight shirt just made him look more yummy.” Stella gushed out.

Amy cringed at the way they talked. She never really took interest in anyone. Maybe the boy in her dream fascinated her, but that’s all. And the boy in her dream was eight, for cheese’s sake!

“I heard that he has Honors Chorus class after this. I so want to hear his voice.” Stella added. Amy flinched at her words. She looked at her schedule to double check.

Yup, she definitely has Honors Chorus after this class. Stella snapped her eyes onto Amy’s hand. She immediately grabbed her schedule.

“WHAT! You are so lucky!” she exclaimed. Amy merely shrugged her shoulders. The bell rang, signaling for them to go to their next class. Amy went to get her music sheet from her locker.

“Annoying isn’t it?” Seth came up from behind her.

“Hell yeah! They are just so pathetic sometimes, it’s unbelievable!” Amy let out a loud sigh. “Anyways, I’ve to go get to class.” She said as she pulled out her music sheet and pencil.

“Wait up! We’re still on for lunch right? Under the tree?”

“As always.” Amy smiled as she walked to her next class. The hallway was empty, meaning she was late.

“Hello there Amy. I see that the word ‘punctual’ is still not a part of your vocabulary.” Ms. M, her chorus teacher stated. “Please take a seat.”

Amy knew where to go. She kept her head down as she walked to the back of the room.

“As I was saying, you have a choice between doing Duets and Trios. I see that everyone has a group, except for Ms. Whitlo-” A boy with blonde hair made his way into the class, interrupting the teacher.

“Hello there. My name is Damon and I’m new.” Almost immediately, the girls in the class drooled over the sight of him. He handed the teacher his schedule.

“Ahh. Mr. Bennett, welcome to my Honor Chorus class. We will be doing Duets and Trios. Since Ms. Whitlock still doesn’t have a partner, you can partner up with her.” She handed him his schedule back.

“What!” Amy exclaimed. She was perfectly capable of singing by herself. She didn’t need anyone else to drag her down.

“You heard me and for that outburst, you two will be going first.” The teacher smirked as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Since you’ve outstandingly performed that one duet song all by yourself, I think you should try singing it with Mr. Bennett.”

“Ugh, whatever.” Amy was annoyed by the way her teacher was so easily ticked. She knew she was one of the best singers in the class, but the tardies are the reasons why she was constantly picked on.

“Mr. Bennett, have you ever watched ‘The Phantom of the Opera’?” Ms. M walked over to his desk with a CD in her hand.

“Why yes, I have. I had been part of the play in my previous school.” He beamed.

“Do you know the song ‘All I Ask of You’?” She looked at him, expectantly.

“Word for word.”

“Alright then, it’s settled. Ms. Whitlock and Mr. Bennett will be the first to perform for us. Practice your song; you will be performing in twenty minutes.” She took a glance at Amy and smiled to herself. She loved picking on Amy and pushing her to do her best. The truth was that, she loved Amy’s voice and sometimes envied her angelic voice. Amy huffed as she brought her Ipod out.

----------------------------------END OF CHAPTER 7----------------------------------------

NOTE:   I love The Phantom of the Opera! It's one of my favorite plays, ever! And this song was one of my favorite out of the whoel play too. Point of No Return was my second choice. :P Anyone love this play as much as I do?





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