Chapter 23: Unexpected Encounter

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Chapter 23: Unexpected Encounter

Staggering towards the forest, Carson slammed his head against the tree. He has been doing that for a while now, lashing out his anger on the trees. He felt a warm liquid drip down his head. 

'Just great! I'm bleeding,' he thought. 

'Mate...' his wolf whimpered, making him snarl. 

'We have no right to call her ours... She didn't deserve any of that! She should've been free to Go wherever she wanted to. And that slap! Damn it! She didn't deserve to have that beautiful face of hers marked. Hitting a woman especially your mate is an unforgivable and petty thing to do,' he screamed back mentally, charging towards the tree again. 

'Wow, who's got you all worked up?' his best friend appeared behind him holding another pair of jeans. 

'I'm not in the mood for this Blaze,' he thought through their mind link. 

'Maybe you will be, after you shift back,' he threw the jeans at him, only to have him rip it to shreds. 

'I...I can't!' he took a step back, the smell of iron and dirt hitting his nostrils. 

'You can,' Blaze urged him on. 'You've been able to do so for years now. Just think about your happy place.'

Carson closed his eyes thought about Amy. Her beautiful hair flowing down the side of her face and her beautiful lips... Slowly, he felt his bones crack and elongate. Carson opened his eyes for a brief moment and looked down at his human limbs... With his feet, he stood upright. An unbearable pain in his heart made him fall to the ground, clutching onto his heart. 

"Alpha!" Blaze screamed, running towards him.

Blaze gasped as he laid his best friend on his back. A dark light emanated from Carson's heart, blinding him for a brief second. Squinting, Blaze's mouth dropped open. Carson was back in his wolf form, only his wolf grew inches taller and his coat was blacker than midnight. Slowly, Carson stood on his black paws and opened his eyes... Dead. His eyes looked as dead as midnight. 

"What happened?" Blaze Knew this wasn't his best friend anymore... His sparkling green eyes were replaced look so black... So lifeless. 

'Take care of the pack while I'm gone,' he ordered Blaze. 

"What?! You know how much I don't want to take over a pack. I'm perfectly content with being the Beta!" he protested. 

'How the hell can I rule a pack if I can't even shift back?' Carson growled. 'I am your damn Alpha and you will obey me!' 

"Yes Alpha," Blaze bowed his head involuntarily. 

'Good,' Carson turned and padded over the east side. 

"Where are you going? What happened? Why can't you shift back?" Blaze questioned.

'I don’t know where I’m going… And to answer your other question… I… I took back my mark,' hearing his best friend gasp for the last time, Carson sped off.

“Damn it, Carson! What have you done,” he flailed his arms dramatically.

Taking back the mark from your mate is just like separating your human side from your wolf. With wolves being dominant creatures, they tend to take over completely. Of course! The black light that emanated from Carson’s chest was the sign that his wolf had completely taken over his body. Not fully, but that just means that he won’t be able to shift back for a very long time… Unless his mate marks him herself.

“I don’t intend on being the Alpha forever,” he muttered to himself as he set forth towards the Luna territory. He knew that he needed to do this for his two best friends… He really didn’t want to take over the whole Solaris pack. Also, he loved both Amy and Carson like they were his own siblings. He would literally do anything for both of them.

Carson ran off to the east, letting his wolf take over for a while. Animals scurried off, letting the angry wolf glide past them. Trees fell as carson slammed his body against them. Why couldn't he get over the anger within him? Why was his chest feeling like it was just about to explode?

Padding over a clearing, he scrunched his nose at some foul stench. Someone has been hunting near that area. Shaking his big furry head, he started to walk away.

His wolf jumped all around, trying to take over his body once more. It irritated him more, making him growl at himself. What the hell was his wolf's problem?

'What do you want?' he asked coldly.

‘Danger,’ his wolf screamed at him.

‘Where?’ his ear perked up, making him more alert.

“Well, well… If it isn’t lover boy,” his cold voice set Carson on edge. Baring his sharp canines, he growled at him fiercely. "Why are you growling? Aren't you happy to see me?"

'Why the hell would I be happy to see you?' he thought back angrily.

"Someone really needs to teach you some manners," He grinned evilly, making Carson's blood simmer.  

-------------------------END OF CHAPTER 23--------------------

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