A Morning Without Coffee Is Like Sleep (Twelve)

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Slipping her key card into the slot on the door, Jack opened it after the green light blinked. Moving out of the way, she waited for Sonny to enter the room before following. Locating a light switch on the wall, Sonny turned it on and walked further into the room, passing the bathroom on her way to where the beds were. Dropping the bag she carried on the nearest bed, she looked around, marveling at the spacious room.

"This is nice, Jack," Sonny stated, glancing up at the ceiling fan. Walking toward it, she stood on her tiptoes to turn it on before she headed out to the balcony with Jack following close behind her.

"Yeah, it's not a suite, but it is charming," Jack replied as she walked through the sliding glass doors to stand next to Sonny on the balcony. Leaning over, she placed her arms on the railing while admiring the expansive garden along with her companion.

"It's beautiful," Sonny said in a breathless voice.

Looking straight at her, Jack replied in a near whisper, "Yes, it is."

Noticing where Jack's attention was located, Sonny started to faintly blush while lightly clearing her throat. Facing the other woman, she suggested, "Maybe we should take a shower now."

A swift grin curving her lips, Jack eagerly nodded. "I do believe that that is the best idea you've had all day! Want to wash my back or do you wanna go first?"

Sonny rolled her eyes, the expression on her face plainly reading 'what am I going to do with you'. "I meant separately."

The other woman snapped her fingers. "Aw, shucks. And here I thought you meant we could get all soapy and wetter together." Grinning, Jack went on to say as she pointed toward the bathroom, "You go on and take yours first. I'll look and see what they have on the room service menu."

Nodding, Sonny exclaimed that she would not be long before she headed back into the room. Getting her clothes out of the plastic bag on the bed, she walked into the bathroom and closed the door behind her while Jack watched from the balcony. Turning around to look out across the garden for a few more minutes, Jack then walked back into the room and closed the sliding glass doors.

Pulling a chair out from a small round table, she dragged it over to where the television was and occupied it while reaching out and grabbing the remote. Turning the television on, Jack started to channel surf as she attempted not to think about the beautiful golden-haired brunette who was undoubtedly now naked in the bathroom. A moment later when the water from the shower started to run, Jack winced, imagining Sonny getting in the shower and allowing the hot water to cascade over her skin, making sure to turn around so that it could touch every inch of her body. She would then pick up the bar of soap and slowly beginning to caress herself with it, going up and down...side to side...

Shaking her head and rapidly blinking, Jack let out a long ragged breath while suddenly feeling extremely overheated. Concluding that nothing on the television stood a chance of distracting her, she pointed the remote toward it and clicked it off. Standing, she placed the remote on top of the television before moving around the room, searching for the room service menu. Finding it in the top drawer of the nightstand positioned between the beds, Jack flipped it open, starting to read as she paced back and forth across the room.

Within minutes deciding what she wanted to order, Jack heard the shower being turned off. Placing the menu on the nightstand, she walked over to the bed where her clothes were. Taking them out of the bag, Jack went back to her seat in front of the television and waited for Sonny to come out of the bathroom. Minutes later, steam poured into the room as the bathroom door was opened. When Sonny walked out of the bathroom while wiping at her still damp hair with a plush towel, Jack thought of how adorable and sexy she looked.

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