Do I Like My Coffee Black? There Are Other Colors? (Twenty-Five)

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"Have you talked with Sonny lately?" Leslie inquired, reclining in her king-sized bed. A delightful smile appeared on her lips as she gazed at the lovely nude woman coming toward the bed with a bag of chips that she had just found in the kitchen. The smile changed into a slight grin when a naughty thought occurred to her. Guess it was so good that she got the munchies. Actually, she wouldn't have minded grabbing a handful or two of those chips, along with the gorgeous lady carrying them. That quite visible grin spread.

Nodding, Laura slipped into the bed, snuggling close to the other woman as she began to open the bag she held. "I saw her Tuesday when I stopped by the women's resort where she's now employed. I wanted to see how it was going for her, so we went to lunch and chatted a bit."

"How did it go?" Reaching inside the now open bag, the scent of barbeque wafting toward her nose, Leslie grabbed a couple of chips, popping one inside her mouth.

Laura shrugged, munching on a chip. "I don't know. She seemed like she wasn't all there. I don't mean crazy not all there she'd lost a huge chunk of herself. The sparkle was missing from her eyes. I tried to ask what was bothering her, but, she kept saying that everything was just fine, though I knew differently. So, since she was in denial 'I'm just peachy land', I failed in pulling it out of her." Hand temporarily disappearing within the bag for another chip, Laura added, "I've spoken with Sonny on the phone a couple of times and she doesn't sound any better. I feel helpless because I don't know what I can do to help her."

Her second chip finished, Leslie delicately licked her fingers. "I know what's bothering her."

"You do? What is it?"

Nodding, Leslie glanced toward her bedmate. "Yes, it's the same thing that's bothering Jack. Apparently, they're not on speaking terms."

"Again? Those two are as argumentative as a couple of hungry canines fighting over a steak while trapped in a closet. What happened this time?"

"Well, she wouldn't go into much detail, but basically, she and Sonny spent this past Sunday evening together celebrating Sonny's new job. As the evening worn on, they grew a little 'close' and afterward, Sonny sort of closed herself off saying that she had to go home because she had to get enough sleep for work in the morning. Jack hasn't heard a word from her since that night, although Sonny said she would call. Jack called twice and left a message both times, but, Sonny didn't return either one. So, it appears that she's avoiding her and I'm thinking that Jack is slowly slipping into a depression because of it. If it weren't for Chloe, who knows what shape she'd be in right now."

Sitting up in the bed, Laura folded her legs beneath her. "I don't understand this. It's so obvious that they should be together. I knew that even before Sonny and I broke up. I just don't understand why she doesn't realize it."

Leslie glanced toward the phone. "I have an idea. I think I might know a way that we can get them in the same place and hopefully, they'll take the opportunity to talk." Her expression curious, Laura silently waited for her to continue. "You know how we're going disco bowling tomorrow?" Laura nodded. "Well, what if I were to ask Jack to come along and you asked Sonny? Except we don't tell either one that the other is coming."

Laura appeared apprehensive. "I don't know. They might not take too kindly to us tricking them like that."

Leaning toward her new lover, Leslie tenderly kissed her lips and then waited for Laura to reopen her eyes before asking, "Don't you want them to be as happy as we are now that we've found one another?" Gazing into Laura's eyes with a little smile planted on her lips, Leslie trailed a lone finger up and down the woman's naked thigh. "They just need a boost. Don't think of it as trickery. We're helping two adorably dumb and stubborn people reconnect. I just want them to be as happy as I am with you, darling."

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