Chapter 20: Birthday Crashers

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Stefan's POV
"Okay, is everything set up?" I ask Freya, Amelia, Gabby, and Kol. They answer in sarcasm "Yes boss!" I roll my eyes and say "I'm not being bossy, I just want Jay's 23rd birthday to be perfect." Amelia says "As do I. So, let's get to work."

I see Greg and Jasmine come in and Jasmine says "Okay, I got a hold of Travis and him and the others are coming." Greg says "And I'm still waiting for Caroline, Matt, and Sarah." I exclaim in frustration "What!? What's taking them so long?"

Greg says "No idea, but I'm sure they're still coming. Where's Jay?" I say "He's at work." He asks "Which one? He's been working two jobs ever since Isaiah was born." I say "He's at the bar."

Greg asks "Alright, what time does he get off?" I say "At 6:30." Greg replies "Okay great. And the party starts at 7. Perfect. Now, let me call Caroline again and see what's up." I say "Yeah, please do that." Greg goes into the other room to call them.

I see the twins and Isaiah run in. Isaiah goes to Amelia, Andrew goes to Freya, and Emma comes to me. I pick her up and kiss her cheek and ask "What are you three up to?" Emmy answers innocently "Nothing daddy. Will there be cake at our Godfather's party?" I smile and say "Yes." I see her smile brightly at my answer.

Emmy hugs me tightly and exclaims in excitement "Yay, cake!" I laugh at how much she loves cake. I put her down and she runs into the other room along with Isaiah and Andy.

Freya comes over to me and says "It's 6 o'clock. It's almost time and everything is ready. Are you ready?" And I say "Yeah. You?" She answers "Yeah." I kiss her and she kisses me back.

A minute later, we pull away and she goes into the other room-- where the twins and Isaiah are, with Jasmine, Gabby, Kol, and Amelia. I really hope Jay likes this party. Oh, who am I kidding? It's Jay. He'll love it. I mean seriously, what could possibly go wrong today?

Damon's POV
"Okay, so where do we look, barbie?" I ask Caroline and she glares at me. She hates it when I call her barbie, which is why I keep doing it. Klaus says "Well, right now, I'm going to head into that bar over there. If I'm going to see Freya again and apologize, then I need to be at least a little drunk." We all nod our heads in agreement.

We head over to the bar but stop when we hear Caroline's phone ring. She says "Uh-oh. Uh, Matt? Sarah? Come with me for a minute. It's Greg calling." I signal for them to go with her, but we still hang around and listen to their conversation which Caroline has on speakerphone for us all to hear.

Phone Conversation
Caroline: Hey Greg, what's up?
Greg (frustrated): What's up? Jason's party is about to start. He gets off of work in ten minutes. Get your asses down here.
Matt: Okay man, we're coming.
Greg: Hurry up. Are you in Portland now?
Sarah: Yeah.
Greg: Well, come on then. Stefan wants Jason's party to be awesome. He's really going all out for Jason and he wants everyone here. Get a move on.
Caroline: Okay, we're coming now.
Greg: Okay, hurry.
End of Phone Conversation

I feel like a stake just went through my heart. Why is Stefan going through so much for this Jason guy? He never did anything like what he's doing for this Jason guy, for me. Okay, it's official, I really need that drink.

Caroline says "Look, we'll text you guys the address. Okay, we really need to go." I nod my head along with everyone else. I know Caroline can see how hurt I am by the sympathetic smile she is giving me. Her, Matt, and Sarah leave for this Jason guy's party.

I turn around and say "I need a drink, now." I walk into the bar and I ask one of the bartenders "Hey, can you get me three shot glasses of your strongest bourbon?" The dark skin bartender with dreads says "Sure. I'm about to get off soon, but I can get you one. Seems like you need it." I say "You have no idea."

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