Chapter 26: Vengeance

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Stefan's POV
After putting Emmy down for a nap, I decide to go downstairs with everyone else. I look in the room and I don't see Freya, but I see a very worried Elena come to me. She says "Stefan, I am SO sorry, I didn't mean to cause problems between you two. I hope she is not too mad and jealous."

I assure her "It's okay, Elena. She just needs space and I'm giving it to her." Before she can say anything else, we see a very mad Caroline burst through the door and we look at her in confusion.

She exclaims, angry "Gabby, get your ass out here!" I frown and narrow my eyes at her in confusion and ask "What are you talking about?" Freya comes down and asks "What's going on? Why is everyone yelling?"

Caroline answers "Gabby! She ditched me in the woods. Texted me saying she was heading back here without me, that she would meet me here. So, where is she so I can yell at her?" I look at everyone and ask "Did she come back?"

They all say, worried "NO!" I look back at Caroline and she says, starting to become worried "Well, she left before me so she should be here." I look at everyone in concern and demand "Try and call her."

Caroline tries to call her, but no answer. Davina tries, but no answer, now I'm starting to worry. Freya calls her, no answer, now everyone-- especially Kol, is starting freak out. Then Nadia calls her and no answer either. Klaus calls her three times and no answer. Elijah calls her two times, no answer. Hayley calls her five times, no answer. Kol calls her six times— nothing, and Kol is starting to break things.

Damon tries and puts it on speakerphone, then we hear someone pick it up. We sigh of relief and Damon snaps "Gabby, everyone's been calling you. Why didn't you answer?" We hear a familiar man's voice "Because I was waiting for you, Stefan, or Gregory to call." We look at each other in confusion and worry.

Damon demands in anger "Who the hell is this? Where is my sister?" We hear him move to somewhere else and he says "Kyle. Stab her again." We all look at each other in concern. We then hear someone get stabbed and they scream in pain, and it's Gabby's scream. I hear her inhale and exhale deeply. That's when Greg, Damon, and I realize it's Fredrick.

Damon says, angry "You hurt her again and you're dead. Do you hear me? We took you down before Fredrick, don't think we won't do it again." Fredrick spats "If I hurt her again, she will be dead. But luckily for you, she isn't the one we want. She's just bait. So, I'll make you a deal. In exchange for your baby sister, give us Katherine pierce, we know she's with you." We look at Katherine and she looks worried along with Nadia and Elijah. Elijah wraps his arm around her waist protectively.

Fredrick continues "She is the main reason we ended up and suffered in that tomb and nearly died. For that, we want her to pay. And she will, one way or another. Now, you have a choice to make. Which life is important to you? Katherine's or your only sister's?"

We all look worried, well, New Orleans gang and the originals look worried and angry for Gabby's life. We hear Fredrick say "Again!" Then we hear Gabby scream in pain again and Kol gets even more angry. He snatches the phone and spats in anger "If you hurt her again, I will rip you to shreds."

Fredrick demands in anger "If you want her suffering to stop, then bring us Katherine Pierce!" We look back to Katherine and she looks scared. Elijah has his arms wrapped around her. We hear Gabriella say very very weak "You guys, don't listen to them. Keep Katherine away from here."

We hear a gunshot and Gabby screams in pain. Fredrick asks "Deja vu huh, Stefan? Remember when we did this to you? The pain you felt? Well, your sister is going through the same thing right now, but you can stop it. Bring us Katherine and we will give you your sister. But I have to admit, seeing her in pain like this brings me satisfaction, because you and Damon were partly the reason we nearly ended up dead. Katherine's infatuation with you two. So think of your sister's pain, as my revenge for you two." I look at Damon and he looks as angry as me along with Greg, Uncle Tim, Aunt Dawn, Momma G, the New Orleans gang, and all of her friends.

Fredrick says "Now, bring us Katherine. You have four hours to bring her to us, or I kill your baby sister. I mean it. I will text you the address. Be here with Katherine by 8 o'clock because by 8:01, you will no longer have a sister. Until you come here with Katherine, she is going to keep suffering. Bye-bye now." We look at each other worried.

We then hear him demand "Bleed her out!" We hear her scream in pain again then the line goes dead. We all look at one another speechless and Hayley says, angrily "Whoever the hell this Fredrick guy is, he just signed his death certificate."

Annie says "We have to get her back soon. You heard him, the longer we take, the more she suffers." Damon informs us "He just texted me the address!" Elijah states "We need a plan." We all agree but Damon and Elena.

Damon asks "Um, why do we need a plan? We just do as he says. Hand Katherine over to him and we get Gabby back. There's our plan right there." Elijah and Nadia give him a death and icy glare.

Katherine speaks up "He's right." We all look at her in shock. Katherine rolls her eyes and states "We can't come up with a plan. Fredrick may be evil, but he's smart too. He will be expecting a plan, and he will kill Gabriella without hesitating. I have to hand myself over."

Damon says, gleefully "Glad you see it my way. Let's go!" He goes to grab her, but is stopped by Elijah. Elijah demands "NO! Absolutely not!" Damon groans and asks "Why not? She's cool with it."

Elijah glares at him then says "I want to get Gabriella back as much as you, but there has to be another way without handing Katherine over." Damon states in frustration "Well, there isn't. And you heard what he said, the longer we wait, the more she suffers."

Katherine tries "Elijah, it's okay. Just... be there for Nadia and Mari-" Elijah demands in fury "STOP! You're not handing yourself over and that's it! We just need to come up with a fast plan." I look at Freya and she speaks up "I have a plan."

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