Prologue: The Runaway

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Lucy's P.O.V.

I packed my clothes and essentials in my suitcase, and my sister's in hers. They were small bags, so they don't make too much noise. I grabbed the doorknob and quietly opened the door. It was dark, especially since it was the dead of night. It got especially dark in the mansion, since the servants turned off all the lights and shut the curtains.

I looked around every wall, trying to view and picture as best as possible the photographs and paintings hanging from the walls, taking everything in as I carefully tiptoed through the halls. I spent my whole life in this house, it felt weird just leaving like this. It's not something I really want to do, but it's something that I have to do; that we have to do. I stopped and looked back, just for a moment. I'm gonna miss all the servants here. They've been so kind to the both of us. I hated the thought of having to abandon the memories we made here with mom most of all. However, we had to move on. I finally arrived at the top of the staircase, leading down three floors to get to the main hall, where I could find the door to the outside.

I picked up the suitcases, slowly and quietly going down the flights of stairs, down each step carefully so as to not make any noise. It's so dark. I wish I'd brought a flashlight.

I could just barely see each step down. I finally saw down at the last couple of steps as I tiptoed to the ground floor. I walked down another hall, taking one last look at all the artwork and vases as I reached the main hall. I turned towards the door, but I didn't walk to it yet.

First, I turned back toward the main fireplace. My sister, my mother and I used to play in front of it all the time. I looked up, passed the decorations and vases put on top of the fireplace and took a final look at the portrait that hung on the wall. The ones in the painting were my mother, my father and myself when I was a child. My younger sister wasn't here for the painter that day. Of course, we never thought she'd ever come home, at that point. It was such a blessing when she did. And she grew up so much. Her birthday's coming up too. She'd be turning seventeen in February, just next month. I just turned eighteen a couple of months ago.

I looked up at my younger self and smiled a little. I've grown a lot since then too. If only she was in the picture though. We could've lived as a normal family but... "Tch!" Because of him we couldn't. I continued my gaze and looked up to my mother. I look so much like her. I'm proud to be her daughter...

I felt like I should have been smiling, but instead, there were tears running down my face.

"I miss you," I whimpered softly.

I followed the path of my gaze and finally landed on the last person in the painting. My father. His orange hair pulled back as usual as he smiled at the camera. Even his eyes look cheerful. He changed when mom left us. And I hated him for it. No, he was almost as bad before that too.

"It didn't have to be this way, but you left us no choice," I said quietly as I turned around and walked towards the large double doors.

I quietly opened one door, seeing the path that led through our family's garden. I closed the door behind me, muffling the sound with my hand as much as possible. I walked down the gravel path, looking up. A full moon tonight. It's so bright at night. I kept on walking down the dark path, only the moonlight shining my way.

Then I heard some rustling from the trees. I slowly walked to the trees, trying to find out what made the sound. A silhouette of a girl emerged from them. I could see her hair swaying on her back as she walked closer and closer to me. When she stepped into the light, I could see her black hair, shoulder-length and most of it down with to small pigtails on each side. Her violet eyes were glossy and shining in the moonlight. Her hands covered her mouth, covering her whimpering as well.

"I don't want to go back there," She said weakly, "I don't want to go home either." She coughed a bit, hands still on her mouth.

The teenager seemed to be wearing a double-breasted black jacket with dark red buttons all the way down and the crest of a rose-cross on the left side of her chest. Red outlined the coat's hem. She wore a ruffled red skirt as well as black flats and dark red anklets. There were two stigmata-like scars above her ankles.

I dropped the bags and went up to the girl, pulling her into an embrace. "Don't worry," I said soothingly, "We don't have to go back, sis. We're going to run away together. Away from the lives we've lived so far."

She looked me in the eyes, hers still flowing strong with tears. She nodded, and then looked at the suitcase next to mine. She picked it up and turned to look at me. I smiled at my little sister.

"Let's go, Paige."

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