Chapter 1: Embarking On A New Adventure

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Year X784


Happy's P.O.V.

"Excuse me, sir?" Said the assistant conductor of the train.

"Natsu! We made it to Hargeon!" I yelled at my friend Natsu who lay flat on the floor holding his stomach, "Come on get up already!"

"Is he alright?" The man asked behind me.

"He's fine!" I answered, "This always happens when he travels!-"

"Never. I'm never riding a stupid train again," My spiky-haired friend whined as he was about to throw up.

I walked out of the cart to see what was what. I'm curious as a talking blue cat and all. But then I remembered why we were here. "If our information's correct, we should find that Salamander somewhere in this town," I said, "Let's go!"

He simply whined in response. Natsu was hanging out the window next to the door. Then I heard the doors shut and the train leaving. Natsu cried out as the train left the station.

"Oh-oh. There he goes."

• ≈~≈~≈~≈~≈~≈~≈~≈~≈~≈~≈~≈ •

Paige's P.O.V.

"What?! You mean to tell me there's only one magic shop in this whole town?!" My dear sister Lucy asked the manager, quite upset for some reason.

The old man answered her, telling her that this was indeed the only shop in town. On the other side of the desk, Lucy sighed in disappointment. "I reckon most people in town don't even know how to use magic. I built this shop for the wizards who happen to be passing through," He added.

The blond sighed as she complained to herself, muttering something about 'having come all this way'. I went up to her to comfort her. I sighed as I shook my head, seeing her pout and look away from me.

"Don't worry little lady, I have all the latest goods. Let me show you a few," Responded the owner, trying to please my sister. He reached for his desk and took out a little pink box with a strange half-sphere crystal on it. "This Colours magic is popular," He said, "All the young girls really seem to like it. It lets you change the colour of your clothes anytime you want." The manager ran his finger around the semi-sphere and then his green clothes turned purple and back to green. I watched in astonishment as Lucy whined that she has one already. At that, I gave her a little annoyed stare. Lucy never leant me hers, so I decided to buy one myself. It might be interesting.

I looked back, seeing my older sister walking around the shop. She was looking over shelves and bookcases before finally admitting that what she came here for was a Celestial Gate Key. With the lack of products, it was obviously a rare request. She looked around a bit more, before settling her gaze on a small box. She gasped as an ear-to-ear grin etched her features, her eyes twinkling at the object. I walked next to her, and my heart skipped a beat.

"It's the little doggy!" We exclaimed. Both my sister and I have always wanted the key of Canes Minor, the 'Little Dog' or the 'White Dog'. They're such adorable little creatures.

"Yes, but that one's not very powerful, you know," The man informed.

"I know, but we really, really want it," Lucy begged as she took the box with the key inside to the counter. She found it quite pricy, slyly arguing that fact to the elder, who didn't pick up on the hints as he simply repeated the price generously. Then, she chose her alternative form of negotiation. She sat up on the front counter, 'casually' leaning sideways so that her feminine features would be prominent. Top and bottom.

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