Chapter 1: Hunters

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Project Terminar

(Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated to Tennessee13 for making her awesome covers for me :) -Bri*

Chapter 1: Hunters (Britt Nicole as Brittany Slater, picture above. If the picture is not visible, please let me know.)

"We can't land here, we don't have any weapons! Not to mention it's dark!" Sawyer yells over the whipping blades of the helicopter.

"We're running on fumes! I'm going to have to put us down somewhere!" Talon argues.

I go to the back of the helicopter and sit down. I can't believe this. This isn't supposed to happen. We're supposed to be able to land, then cheer and scream for having our freedom back. Then we're supposed to go home, see our families again. I thought getting us off the island would solve everything.

I lean my head back on the rumbling metal. It's like we escaped Purgatory, and now we're being thrown into Hell.

My father wanted domination, but how is he supposed to get it when there is no one left to dominate?

Suddenly a loud beeping comes from the front, a flashing fuel symbol in unison with it, and Talon yells, "I have to bring it down! I don't have a choice!" He wasn't joking, you can feel the engine trying to cut out.

Suddenly a sick feeling starts in my stomach as we quickly start to go down. None of the buildings around us are stable enough to hold the massive death trap, so he takes us to the least populated place on the street.

It hits the concrete with a loud thud and the engines then go out completely.

"Oh no, run!" Zoey yells. I instinctively reach for my gun, but it's not there. We jump from the helicopter, landing on the concrete, and take off running. There is a wave of Grounders ready to kill not far down the street.

Suddenly gunshots ring out, some aimed at us, some aimed at the Grounders.

In front of us, around fifteen Grounders come around the block and are heading straight for us. We have no choice and end up getting separated, all of us going different directions through the buildings and alleyways. I can't believe this!

I take a back alleyway and go the direction away from all of the commotion. I have no clue how we're going to regroup after this. I round the corner and find myself in a very familiar situation.

"Who the hell are you?!" The boy demands while aiming a black pistol at me, causing it to shine in the moonlight. He can't be a day over twelve. I immediately put my hands up and reply, "Relax, okay? I don't-"

Suddenly something hard hits me in the back of the head, and that's it for me.

- - - - -

My head throbs and I sit up from the cold floor.

"She's awake." Someone say's.

I look around and see I'm in some kind of large office space. There are many desks everywhere but no cubicles. In front of me sit's the same boy who aimed a gun, and to the side of him is a slightly older boy. I look out the window and see we're up a few stories in the building, and the sun is now coming up.

"Did I seriously get my butt kicked by two boys?" I groan as I try to get up, but that's when I realize by hands are tied with rope in front of me.

The older blond looks at me, "Who are you?"

I look back and reply, "I could ask you the same."

"I'm not playing games," He points a pistol directly to the front of my head, "Who are you?"

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