Chapter 24: Deploy

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Chapter 24: Deploy

(A/N: Picture of the suit armor and mech. suit above. Yes, the mech. suit is from the movie Avatar. I used it because it perfectly captured what I was imagining. Please let me  know if the picture isn't visible. Also, this chapter will be longer than usual.)

Britt's POV:

I stand behind Keith's door, my hand hovering to knock. Today is that day that Talon- well, I, will deploy. And I can't exactly tell him that, but I can't leave things the way they are.

I sigh and lean against the door frame. I gently lean my head on the door and decide what to do. I have three hours, that's all.

And simply because I'm unlucky, Keith opens the door and I lose my balance, falling forwards.

I yelp in surprise and wait for an impact that never comes. He caught me, but is quick to make me get back to my feet by myself.

He stares down at me with the same cold gaze he had the last time I saw him.

"Sorry, I.. Keith, I need to talk to you." I sigh.

"If it's about Talon then you've already made that pretty clear." He growls and goes to walk around me.

"No, Keith," I stop him and shove him back in the room, closing the door behind us, "It's not about that."

"I don't want to leave things they are, and-" I don't get to finish my sentence because he interrupts me, "I don't want to talk about it."

"D*** it, Keith! Shut up and let me finish!" I yell.

This gets his attention.

"When I first met you, you wanted nothing to do with me. But even though I pissed you off and irritated you more than anything, you protected me! You saved me more times than I can count, more times than I can even remember! You never left! And I'm fortunate enough to still have you even though we've been though hell and back and almost died plenty of times! And I don't want to lose you over something so.. so.." I groan, tears of frustration coming to my eyes, "I can not lose you. I can not leave things the way they are."

The room stays silent for a few minutes, then he speaks, "Why are you talking like I'm not going to see you again." It was meant to be a question, but he said it like a statement. I think he made this assumption because of the distress I'm in.

I shrug my shoulders; I can't tell him. I give him a quick hug and go to leave, but right before I go, I tell him, "Just, let me know when you're ready to talk."

I shut his door and quickly head down the hallway before he can decide to call me back or not. I really want to go see my mom, but I have the same situation. How am I supposed to say goodbye without it sounding that way? Exactly, I can't. I won't take a chance on her figuring out my plan; she knows me very, very well.

I shake the situation from my mind. From now on I need to focus on the mission and what I need to do. Okay.. now, how am I going to get that suit?

I decide to head to the shop and see if I can persuade Robin one more time, if not then-

"Son of a- what the hell Robin?" I snap. I had been walking down the hallway, obviously lost in thought because I didn't notice him, when he grabbed me and shoved me inside a supply closet with him.

He shoves his key card at my chest and I quickly take it in surprise.

He point his finger at me, right in front of my face, "You stole it. Do not bring my name up, got it?"

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