Chapter 19: Shield

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Chapter 19: Shield

(Picture above. You'll find out who this is later. If it's not visible please let me know.)

Britt's POV:

"On three, we all run to the plane, it's bulletproof so we should be okay." Jax whispers. Everyone has frozen their movements.

"No, I can see them coming, it's too late, they have automatics. We won't make it five feet." Cain say's from behind Talon.

"Halt! Everyone drop your weapons and get on the ground! Now!" One of the Soldiers yells.

Everyone does as told, even Jax, but I hesitate.

"Britt, get down." Talon say's as he lowers himself.

"Drop your weapon or we will be forced to engage!" The second one yells with a scanner in hands. They have some kind of facial identification scanner. A beeping sounds and he then confirms, "Seven of them are wanted by Mr. Slater."

"If they find out I'm a Slater, they'll kill me."I whisper as I drop my gun and lower onto my stomach on the ground.

"No, they'll kill you if you don't cooperate. They know you escaped the system, but they may not know you. Just don't tip them off." He whispers back.

"Where are the boys?" I whisper to Jax, whom is laying next to me.

He doesn't reply, he just looks towards the Jet. They must be inside. Sure enough, I see Collin duck down from the cockpit window.

Two Soldiers keep their guns on us while the other one heads to the Jet. He shouldn't hurt the boys since their young.

"Who's Jet is this?" Asks the Soldier with his gun waving a mere three feet from my face.

"It's mine." Jax snaps.

"Out!" The Soldier shoves the boys out of the Jet and to the ground.

"Hey, they're just kids!" I snap and rise up a little. The slightest bit that my chest rises from the concrete seems to pass as a threat to the Soldier, causing him to throw his boot into my right shoulder.

"Don't hurt her!" Collin yells.

The Soldier guarding the boys snaps, "Watch your mouth you little s***. Smith, radio in."

The Soldier who kicked me, Smith, pulls a radio from his belt and speaks into it, "Sir, inform her we have two survivors, seven escapees, and two minors here, please respond."

He walks off and the other two Soldiers still hold their positions. He walks off a good distance so no one can hear, but I still can. When Smith turns his back to us, I see the word: Shield written across his armor on his back. My fathers government is named Slater, so who do these Soldiers belong to?

"10-4. You have orders to execute the escapees, release the survivors, and bring the minors back." The man on the radio replies.

"Yes, Sir. Direct orders from her, Sir?" He asks with a great amount of respect; completely different from the way he treated us.

"Negative. They come from me." He replies.

"Yes, Sir." Smith replies and turns back.

"Get the boys, kill the escapees." Smith orders.

He aims his gun at Keith.

"No!" I snap and go to jump up, but a boot knocks me in the right side of my head and back down.

"Your orders are overruled!" A female voice sounds over the radio in anger, "I received your sync through the scanner, bring them back! I don't want to see one scratch on them! Any of them!"

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