Chapter Eighteen

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If you ever need a quick excuse to see your boyfriend, getting in a car accident is a good way to bring to directly to you.

The crash actually wasn't too bad. The Suburban, being much bigger than the RAV4 we were in did total our car.

The impact was on Jeremy's side, a little more towards the front of the car so it wasn't directly on him. We had spun out and were pushed across the intersection. Luckily no one else was in our way. Otherwise our car could have hit someone else too.

Jeremy is talking to me when the ambulances arrived on scene, so I am praying he was okay. They had to use a machine to pull the door off, since it was mostly smashed in.

I didn't want to leave the scene before Jeremy, but the paramedics insisted. Since I was able to exit the car much easier than him, the only hoops they had to jump through involved my stubbornness. I put up a little fight, but three paramedics could easily drag away a seventeen year old girl.

Now I sit in the ER and wait for time to move. I only hit my head on the side  window and got smacked by the air bag. My head is throbbing but they don't think I will walk away with anything more than a concussion and some bruises.

They had called my parents when I was in the ambulance and they were both supposed to be here soon. As I sit in my semi-private room I see them bring Jeremy in and he is still responding to the doctors when they roll him last my room.

I hadn't even called Jake before he shows up. He see him from my window rush up to the nurses' desk, but doesn't even say a thing to them before he inhales my scent and turns around.

Being under his gaze still makes me madly blush.

He rushes forward to my side and grasps my hand. "Are you okay? What happened? I swear to god I will kill whoever was driving that other car."

"Relax, Jake. I'm fine." I say weakly, squeezing his hand. He growls. What a werewolf.

"You are not okay. Where the hell is the doctor anyway, shouldn't he being checking up on you!" He angrily says, his voice raising.

My parents arrive soon after that and unlike Jake, don't find me solely from my scent. I see them at the nurse's station, talking to a nurse before she lead them to me.

"She suffered from head trauma, which is why we're keeping her for testing. Her doctor should be here soon to bring her up to CT."

"Well shouldn't he be here sooner?" Jake desperately asks. "She's only sitting here in pain waiting for you giys to get your act together."

"Jake, it's fine." I say weakly, watching my mom's eyes widen and my dad's eyebrow raise at Jake's outburst.

"NO, IT IS NOW FINE!" Jake yells. "That's it, Jen I know a way better hospital were you can go and you'll be treated way quicker than you ever will here." He faces the nurse. "You can tell your doctors not to bother and go get the discharge papers."

The nurse looks at Jake in shock as she doesn't make a move. I can tell Jake's about to go berserk. I reach out to grab his arm and my dad's voice catches everyone's attention.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!" He snaps.

Jake's nostril flare as he snaps his head towards my dad. Oh god. If Jake say's anything else I'll never be allowed to see him again.

"Jake, please it hurts." I say, knowing it's the only thing that will get his attention. He quickly whips around to face me and brings my hand to his lips. "It's probably better I stay here anyway, since Jeremy is here. Plus I don't want to have to move when it may just be a concussion."

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