Humans can Lick Too

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One of my all time faves! There are a couple different versions of this story but this is the one I heard. Enjoy!

Once there was a little girl who had a lovely little dog. Her parents were on vacation and she was home alone for the weekend. The second night she was on the couch watching the news when a new story came on. Apparently, some pysco from the northern part of town was coming and killing children. the girl immediately went and locked every door and window in the house.

That night she went to bed as usual. She knew everything was okay because when she put down her hand the dog licked it. But later in the night she heard a drip, drip, drip. She put her hand down and the dog licked it and everything was okay, so she went downstairs to check out the tap. But the tap wasn't dripping. So she went to bed. An hour later she woke up from the dripping noise again, but it was closer now. She was too afraid to leave the room, but she put her hand down and the dog licked it. She felt fine but she stayed up this time. At 2:00 am she heard it again, but from the bathroom. She put her hand down and the dog licked it, then she got up and went to check it out. When she opened the door she screamed so loud it almost shattered the mirror.

When she opened that door she saw her dog hanging from the ceiling with its abdoman slit open, its intestines dripping to the floor.

Written on the mirror in what seemed to be blood was: "Humans can lick, too"

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