Second submission

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This one was sent to me in parts and literally gave me chills

I was at home looking at my window. Something was wrong but I could not put a finger on it. I am always being followed by someone. I can never see them but I know there watching me. Like for an example every time I go to the library I feel like someone is watching me threw the books. "I know your there " I always said. But they did not care they still watched me they ignored my words. Every time I looked back I would see nothing, no people, nothing. I always assumed that it was nothing to be afraid of. I was not scared not scared. When I was walking home on that damn dark alleyway I felt the dirt and leaves crunch under my feet. I looked down the ally. It was hard to see but I saw a figure of a tall dark thing. It looked like it was wearing a dark cloak that went down to its feet. That's all I remember is the feet and those words it said in its ugly raspy dry voice " wrong number " then I blacked out. I woke up at home the next day. I then realized something .. my phone was missing. As I looked around the room I saw that is indeed was not there. I got up and walked to the kitchen. Until I heard noises coming from the kitchen. Note that I do indeed live alone I went down the stairs to see what it was. I was shocked to see what it was coming from.  The creeper was here "shhhhhhhhhh you are going to alarm them". I looked at his cold dead eyes " who ". He looked off into the distance, not just any... he is looking at you. " hello there all... you are probably reading this on your device..... ha ha if you weren't looking at your screen you would have noticed me right behind you". I was in shock I figured out who this was...... this was what happened to those people who don't look up.  " I have a question, why did you say the wrong number " "because people who prank call get visited by me... You are the ninth person to call me ..... if one more person calls me I will kill everybody who is on their device ". So I advise you now... if you are going to prank call someone, please ... stop and get off your device.


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