Chapter 51

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With the tray of stew in her hands, Hana pushed the door open with her elbow and stepped in. But she almost ran out again. Her cheeks flushed red at the scene before her, and she wished, for the hundredth time, that she would stop encountering such situations.

'Come, come.' Juan nodded at her as he slid off the bed, leaving a girl and a messy stack of playing cards behind.

He was only in a pair of black, formal pants while his companion was topless, only wearing a pair of underwear. They didn't seem discomfited at the sudden intrusion, and the girl didn't move to cover herself either. He grabbed an evening robe hanging on the back of a chair, slipped it on, then casually made his way over to his desk. He didn't bother to fasten the ties.

The girl picked up her shirt from the floor and pulled it over herself, all the time smiling, as if she didn't care who was looking at her. She wasn't embarrassed, but Hana had to give it to her. She did have a figure to be proud of, after all. On her way out, she stopped at Juan's desk. The rest of her clothes remained on the floor as a sort of souvenir, in the same discarded manner as before. Was she really just leaving the room in a shirt and underwear?

'Tonight?' she asked, tilting her face to his. Her voice was soft and sweet. Beguiling.

He grinned and whispered, 'Ten.'

He leant in for a kiss, and she complied, their lips moulding together. His hand slipped under her shirt and Hana instantly looked away, trying not to squirm at the display. Did they really have to?

As the girl left, she gave her a wave, then sauntered out. Juan's grin faltered as the door shut behind her. He shrugged his shoulders, then took a swig from a bottle of what she supposed was whiskey, before flopping down onto his chair.

'My current infatuation,' he said in a sort of excuse.

'I see.'

'Well? Want to play?'

Play? She glanced back at the bed where the messy pile of cards was as a shiver shot up her spine. You can't be serious. There's no way -

'Monopoly, I mean.' He reached under his desk to produce a large, slim box and set it down in front of him. 'You look like you may be good at strip poker.'

She understood the meaning behind his words, but chose not to reply him. Instead, she silently took the seat across him, and helped to set up the game. The money was smooth between her fingers, free of crumpled lines, as if the board game was barely played. But seeing as the owner was someone who preferred more...stimulating games, she could understand why.

She handed him his money, then went to sort hers out. Juan had already put the Community Chest and Chance cards in place, and had his boot token on the Go space.

'So, are you?' he suddenly asked.


'Are you good at strip poker?'

Her ears burnt.

'I've never played before,' she hastily mumbled.

'Really?' He was shocked. His head stuck out and his eyes were wide as he stared at her in disbelief. 'But Leonidas is good at it! He's never taught you?'

'' Why am I not surprised that he's good at strip poker? She pursed her lips. He's the type of person who's good at anything anyway.

Hana picked the thimble and set it on Go.

They rolled the die. She rolled a five, he rolled a three. She started first.

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