Chapter 13

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A/N: I hope you enjoy this chapter!

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It was the little things that she noticed of him or maybe the fact that she was beginning to notice little things about him that made her realise he was as human as she was.

As human as she was, with feelings as she had.

She knew he'd check the clock on his bedside table every morning to affirm himself that he was on time. She also knew he played classical music on the radio whenever he worked in his study.

She knew how his lips would turn up slightly before he smiled, never showing his teeth. When he laughed, it was soft and rumbling, as if he was conscious of it but when he was surprised, his laughter was loud and would shock her.

Sometimes she wished he would loosen up and enjoy the things that people his age enjoyed. But being in charge of more than a thousand men didn't really allow one time for enjoyment.

He didn't dress his age either. He wore a suit and tie to work, very fashionable, of course. And when he got home, he'd remove his jacket and tie to sit down to dinner and change into a shirt and sweatpants after he showered.

There he was, lounging in the living room with a book in one hand as she emerged from their bedroom after a shower. He used to read in bed, but nowadays had taken to reading on the couch.

'Are you hungry?' she called out. 'Do you want to eat ramyun with me?'

He glanced up. The hands of the clock showed that it was close to 10PM.

'At this hour?' he asked with a frown.

Hana was pretty sure he never had supper before she entered his life. This unexpected thought made her want to giggle secretly to herself.

'I don't want to eat alone,' she complained, pursing her mouth into the most adorable pout she could conjure.

To her surprise, it worked with him. A lengthy sigh left him as he slowly swung a leg onto the floor, carefully bookmarked his novel, then rose to his feet.

'Fine,' he gave in unwillingly.

She raised her hands and let out an exclaim of delight before dashing into the kitchen, excitement in her steps. He followed slowly behind her.

'I bought a new brand!' she chirped as she swung open the cabinet door.

But her smile soon fell and she stalled.

It wasn't in its original location. Then her eyes travelled upwards and she gaped at the yellow package sitting happily by itself in the shelf above. She didn't even have to try to stretch her arms up to know that she wouldn't be able to reach it.

Who moved it all the way up there?!

Hana turned to him with her eyes narrowed.

Without a word, he reached above her then brought the whole package down with a smug little smile. Glumly ripping the plastic open, she retrieved a packet of instant noodles. He did have to emphasise their height difference whenever he had the chance, didn't he?

'Can we share?' he asked. 'I don't want so much.'

Share? Instant ramyun couldn't be shared!

'Fine,' she grumbled anyway since he had agreed to eat with her in the first place.

Leon stood beside her as she cooked, ready to hand over the powder sachet, the instant noodles, a pair of chopsticks. What a handy assistant she had.

1.1 | The Yakuza BrideHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin