Whisper (Alex)

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And when one of them meets with his other half...the pair are lost in an amazement of love and friendship and intimacy, and one will not be out of the other's sight...even for a moment: these are the people who pass their whole lives together, and yet they could not explain what they desire of one another. For the intense yearning which each of them has toward the other does not appear to be the desire of lover's intercourse, but of something else which the soul of either evidently desires and cannot tell, and of which she has only a dark and doubtful presentiment.

- Plato, Symposium

I was late. Waking up and staring at the clock dumbfounded, I was confused. Then moving probably the fastest I have in my entire life, I jumped out of bed and ran into the bathroom. Cold water rushing out. Dammit, Jessie must have already taken a shower and used all the hot water. Quickly washing up, I jumped out and slid across the floor, fumbling around I could hear Jessie walk out the house, humming a tune that I absolutely hated.

I jumped up off the floor where I fell, and ran into my room, not bothering to dry off my hair sense it was raining out. Quickly and not caring, I threw on some random clothes, that were lying on the floor from yesterday, Pulled on my shoes and ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. I grabbed an orange and ran out. My parents weren't up yet, so I Got the mail and set the newspaper in my dads spot and the coupons and girl crap right next to it, in my moms spot. Running out of the pack house, I pulled up my hood, as a light sprinkle came down.

Running, I came to a corner. I turned to see my sister walking with some chick I've never seen before. Well maybe i've seen her but she's got her hood up. "You can't talk... can you?" I heard Jessie say quietly. The unknown girl slightly shook her head.

Speeding up my pace, I was halfway to them. "Um names-"

"Jessie!" I cut her off. The girl froze in place. Fear coming off her in little waves, she tensed. Then took off speed walking. I was almost to them, listening in on what Jessie is saying about how I was an idiot. Loser. I am not and idiot. She's an idiot.

Jessie lowered her voice to where I could barley make out the words. A faint whisper on the wind, "Your secret is safe with me..."

Slowing my run I jogged up to them. Careful of the girl, I came up behind my sister, seeing blonde, straight hair pop and flow out of a black hood. An intoxicating scent drifting and twining in with the fog and the rain. Curiosity filled me, and pulled me and my wolf toward this mysterious hooded girl. Her scent carried something tasting of metallic. Blood.

"What secret?" I asked arubtly.

She froze.

Not turning around.

She ran.

Not looking back.

She left.

Taking her scent with her.

And leaving me in a lonely wonder.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


The silence stretched through the hallways, masking me as I traveled through them. My first period was spent doing nothing, looking out the window, watching the rain bash against the window.

The bell rang loudly into my ears. Only one thing has remains in my mind.


Her short frame.

That intoxicating scent.

That blonde hair.

And her silence.

Faceless {:Watty 2013:}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ