One last thing

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I woke up to the sound of rain. The wind swooshing against the window, screeching its warnings of the storm. Brining my head up, I looked out the window, branches scratched against the window. A clap of thunder sounding, waking me up fully. Lightning flashed across the window, lighting up the  dark night sky. I looked out the window in amazement, captured by the terrifying beauty of  the storm, watching as the lightning cracked again and again, dancing around the trees tauntingly. Finally it whipped against a big tree. You could hear the deafening crack, and the stillness afterwards. The clouds rumbled by, the thunder sounding closer now, the lightning flashing here and there. Stillness, then the groan of a tree as its weight collapsed, slowly falling with a thud in the forest.

I watched as smoke rose from where the lightning struck, embers of the force, lit the tree up, where it was just ended. I watched as the cycle of death to a tree was brought to an end by the light. The sounds of the rain, clacked against the windows furiously. Tick, tick, tick. The sounds of rain and thunder soothed me, smoothing over the edge I was put in. I was still quite uneasy but that was how I was raised. I was supposed to always be on guard, if I knew my dad was coming I was supposed to be afraid, I was supposed to prepare myself for the pain which I knew was coming. I froze. My father.

Where is he now? I snorted, probably not missing me. He's probably so freaking happy that e doesn't have to deal with me anymore. he probably thinks I'm dead knowing that he left me for death. But on the other hand... I felt guilty. Not for him. Hell would freeze over before I felt something other than hate and broken love towards him. I felt guilty because he might have already found another victim to bring the same pain he brought upon me. Dread settled over me as the icy claws of fear ran down my back.

No. no, no, no, no.

No one else was supposed to get hurt, I wouldn't allow it. I wouldn't bring or shift this pain onto another being. No human or preternatural creature, nobody could bear such pain as I went through. I was only supposed to carry that burden. As long as I was there, I was the only victim. No one else knew of such things went on in the little city house. But now that I was gone... anything was possible. He could have abducted someone, someone like me. Someone innocent and unexpecting. My jaw tightened.

Someone could be dead! He could have killed someone already! And I've been here, without a care in the would, not looking back or even thinking about what could have possibly gone on!! I felt so selfish. But now. Now I felt anger. red hot anger boiling and heating my blood. I looked at Alex, sleeping softly and alive. I shook my head, my vision becoming red like blood. My wolf had control, yet she didn't take full control, knowing that I would like to be a part of this too. I ran through the house, my feet barley touching the ground as I slipped out the house and into the night. The thunder and lightning covering my sound. the rain washing and smothering my scent.

~*~ ~*~ ~*~

I watched from a distance as rain poured down on me, running down my back and through my hair soaking my clothes. I watched with the enhanced eyes of my wolf, my hearing telling me he was watching a football game. I saw him raise a bottle of vodka to his mouth, chugging almost the rest of it down. I shuddered when I remembered what happened last time I fought back, and he used the vodka glass on my back. I shook the thoughts away as I focused on what was important. I know it must seem cruel to feel nothing but hate towards your own father, but for the man who was supposed to love me forever and tell me, "Everything will be okay", instead of being the father a girl, a daughter needs he was... He was the opposite.

Instead of giving me the love I needed he shunned me. He pushed me away and took comfort in drinking and turned to me treating me with the pain I felt of losing my mother. He twisted and changed her death, telling me it was my fault that I did this to her and that she died because she didn't want me anymore. That she would rather be dead than have a daughter like me. I tuned him out and just let him do what he wish, but at times I didn't go down without a fight. I couldn't.

I was by the door now, anger boiling through me, fueling my flames of hatred for this man. He was no longer my father. He lost that privilege a long time ago. My foot jerked up as I brought my knee to my chest and the door banged open, one hinge busted off. He sat petrified as he stared at me in disbelief. I stood there, my eyes probably gone wolf as she was begging and scratching against my restraints to take control. I laughed a cold laugh as his face filled with fear as I stalked forward. Slowly  and softly the padding of my feet, the rumbling of the storm, the cheers of the game went through the house. The rain dripped down from me, landing on the marble floor of the kitchen, as He ran through the back door, stumbling from left to right. Drunken as he was, I was surprised when He was still able to speak clearly. "Y-Your- Your dead!" he shouted at me, fear, anger and surprise filling his cold gaze.

I smiled, "Daddy. Sweet abusive daddy." I purred as I stalked over to where he was crawling backwards. "The word is I was dead. But I'm okay now, thanks for asking." I laughed and winked at him. He looked at me shocked, my voice ringing around us over the thunder. The rain fell down harder as if edging me on, telling me to end a life that has caused one so much pain. For one that causes pain to others, has no right to live here. Under god, he was a sin and that sin was about to be sent back to where it came from.

My gaze settled onto him, he met mine head on as if knowing what was gonna happen. I took a breathe, looking towards the sky. I felt the air around me. There's an eerie stillness before the sky cracks in. A hush. You can feel the storm gathering, smell the flood on its way. I could taste the tension and his fear. The lightning streaked across the dark sky, out lining his shivering body. He knew what was coming, and he knew he couldn't fight me. I was no longer weak or pathetic.

I was strong.

And he was going to die.

With the swiftness of the wind, I shifted into my wolf. I felt more in control and yet I let her do it, knowing that we both needed it. He was suck to the earth, not moving from his spot as he watched me ran at him. I jumped, my paws striking him in the chest, pushing him more into the ground, his breathe blasting out of him. He was dazed. My impact winded him. I let him take his last breaths, growling as he just stared at me with fear and a look of regret. I smiled inwardly. Yeah, I would regret treating me the way you did too if I was faced with death. A growl rippled through me, ending my thoughts. I shot forward, gripping his soft flesh of his neck in my mouth and tearing into it, enjoying his screams as he begged me to stop. He went on and on, until finally blood gurgled out his mouth, probably filling his lungs and suffocating and drowning him in his own blood.

I looked upon him, and my fear of him and others being hurt died with him. A wonderful peace settled over me though doubt clouded my mind.

Was I that heartless that I felt nothing about taking his life? Maybe he really did ruin me...

But he was dead.

 And so was my pain.


I know it's been a while but thanks for being patient with me and hopefully you like it. It might be kinda short but I'm really tired lol.

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