Costumes 5.

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"So what then?" Louis asked. He sat on my bed with his legs crossed while scrolling through his laptop.

Halloween was in less than two weeks and we didn't have anything planned.

"Maybe we can throw like a party or something?" I suggested.

Louis's face lit up like he was thinking about it. We never really threw parties, only like once or twice in middle school but that's basically it.

I sat on the floor scrolling through instagram trying to figure out what exactly to do. I double tapped on a picture of Lily and one of her friends. I didn't really know her other friends. Whenever I hung out with Lily they backed off. I made a mental note of introducing myself to them. Maybe at her party I'll- oh yeah! Lily's Halloween party!

"Oh, nevermind. Lily invited us to her party, remember?"

Louis groaned falling back into the bed.

"But won't it be awkward we ended things kinda bad."

Shrugging, I got up and sat down next to Lou.

"I guess not that bad, cause she told me to extend the invitation towards you."

Lele wasn't really mad at Lou, she's the kind that doesn't hold a grudge, it was sorta weird though.

"Alright then, but we still have to find a costume."

Louis sat up straight and started going through a bunch of online websites to shop for a costume.

"Let's see.." I said going through the list with him.

"We can be power rangers, or Superman and Superwoman, maybe Harley, and that joker guy. Oh! Sick! We can be Batman and Robin!" I exclaimed looking through the list of costumes.

"So? Whatcha think?" I asked.

Louis scrunched up his eyebrows, turning his thinking face on.

"Well, I'm all at it for those, I like the idea of batman but who would be Batman and who would be Robin?" He turned to look at me waiting for me to answer.

I scoffed. "Well of course I'd be batman."

Louis rolled his eyes. "And why is that?"

"Cos he's awesome! Like me!" I said in a duh tone.

"Well batman is a man, and he's tough. So he should be a man!" Louis said puffing up his chest and patting it with a closed fist.

I laughed and shoved Louis's shoulder gently.

"Which is why you shouldn't be batman." I chuckled.

Louis's mouth fell opens. "Well, I guess none of us can be batman then"

I squinted at the screen and read the next suggestion. "what about, inflatable conjoined twins?"

I clicked on the picture of the costume, "what the hell?!" I laughed out loud at the costume of these two inflatable fat guys stuck to each other.

Lou laughed looking closely at the picture. "Oh my god, imagine actually wearing that?" he laughed.

"nuh uh." I laughed.

Louis scrolled past the picture still laughing a little, probably imagining us wearing that costume.

"We can be superman and wonder woman." he stated.

I looked at the simple costume, and nodded"Alright, sounds good to me. How about we break streotypes, you be wonder woman." I joked.

"Fuck no." he laughed. "My ass is too big for that little skirt."

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