:: Chapter Five ::

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“You did good kid.” A gruff voice admitted in the darkness as a large calloused hand reached out and pat the crimson haired nine year old on the head.

                Secretly, the young girl was overjoyed by the praise of the notorious pirate captain. For a brief moment, the man’s praise made her forget about the parents who abandoned her and all the hardships she’d endured until then. Though, she knew better, happiness was fleeting and people were too despicable to ever be trusted.  

                The young crimson haired girl stayed on Captain Synister’s ship for three months as a thief. She was so small and faster than anything he’d ever seen. She’d sneak onto ships at harbors when they’d dock without anyone taking any notice and when they’d leave the port they’d be at least ten times richer.

                On a particularly stormy night after a raid on an enemy ship, the young girl woke as the door to her small secluded room opened. She stayed on her side pretending to be asleep and listened to the sounds of the intruder curious as to what they were doing in her room. A familiar calloused hand smoothed through her hair in a fawning manner.

                “Did you need something, Captain?” The girl asked softly as she reached under her pillow for the dagger she kept hidden. Her hand met nothing but sheet causing her eyes to widen at the realization. Someone had been in her room when she was stealing from the enemy ship.

                “Looking for something?” His gruff voice breathed in her ear as a cool blade was pressed to the side of her neck. “Malice.” He whispered the nickname the public had given the ghost of a girl. No one knew her appearance they just knew of her reputation. “Were you planning to run me through when I least suspected it? I know how many other big shots you’ve killed.”

                “I don’t kill unless given reason to.” Malice said softly as her hand reached beneath her cot to the small wicked knife she kept concealed praying the captain hadn’t found it in his search. Her fingers brushed across the cool metal and she held back her victorious smile. “They all double crossed me.”

                The blade dug into the side of her neck causing blood to bubble forth, “Aye, and that’s what I aim to do.” He chuckled, “You see, Malice, I never had any intention of splitting my treasure at any percentile with a brat.”

                “So what do you plan to do with me?” Malice asked calmly as she tightened her grip on the small concealed knife.

                “Well, you see love, I’m a sick man and no matter how dark and twisted you might be on the inside, you’re a beautiful little girl.” His warm breath hitting the back of her neck sent a chill down her spine.

                “Disgusting.” Malice hissed under her breath as she rolled away from the blade and onto her feet with her knife at the ready. “I’ll gut you like a pig.” She smirked wickedly. He may be stronger and quadruple her in size but she was fast.

                “Should have known.” The captain smiled, “Luckily I brought some back up.”

                Malice’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second as five burly men spilled into the room. Were they all ‘sick’? How could they stand by and let their captain do such a thing to a child? “I’ll kill you all.” Her voice was cool and dripping with venom.

                “Go ahead and try, but you won’t make it out alive, and I’m not too particular about what type of condition your body is in.” The captain guffawed with a wicked gleam in his eye.

                A cannon blast shook the cryptic young woman from her daze. The rest of the Kid Pirates were preparing for boarding the enemy ship. She could feel the captain’s feral gaze on her back as she stood frozen in place.

                “Have you decided to join us in the real world? Or shall we leave you to your girlish fantasies?” He challenged the girl.

                Malice turned to the captain with an arrogant smirk plastered across her face, “If you like, I can take care of the ship single handedly. I’ll even give you a front row seat since you seem to like watching me so much.” She patted an upturned crate with her hand to goad the red haired young man.

                “I’m getting a little tired of your attitude, girl.” Captain Kid hissed as he stomped over to the young woman completely oblivious the cannon balls raining down in the water around them.

                “Captain?!” Killer called in concern as he sliced through two cannon balls that would have hit the ship. The captain’s devil fruit ability would be much more effective.

                “So why did you invite me along?” Malice asked with a wicked smile.

                Kid pursed his dark lips at this. He wasn’t entirely sure himself. The girl intrigued him and there was this heartbreaking loneliness in her dark garnet eyes. Normally he wouldn’t care about such trivial frivolous things, but the broken girl stirred something within him.

                “Hate to break up this sentimental moment,” Killer said dryly as he, Heat and Wire attempted to fend off all the cannon balls. “Perhaps you two could continue this later?”

                Kid and Malice turned simultaneously to glare at the masked first mate.

                “Or not.” Killer grumbled.

                “Why did you agree to join in the first place?” Kid shot back at the cryptic young woman.

                Malice hesitated momentarily, “Don’t take it personally; it was the best option at the time.”

                Kid glared at this, “Well maybe you should just join those bastards.” He waved at the attacking ship.

                “Speaking of those bastards-.” Killer attempted to intervene once more.

                “SHUT UP!” Kid and Malice snapped simultaneously before exchanging looks of annoyance and frustration.

                Malice smirked at the captain and placed a gentle hand on the seething man’s shoulder, “It wouldn’t be as much fun without you.” She smiled surprising the captain and crew alike, “Who would I torment?”

                Kid rolled his eyes at this, though deep down he was pleased that she didn’t want to jump ship. She may be insufferable and push his buttons to no end, but there was something comforting about her presence on the ship.

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