:: Chapter Fifty Two ::

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Malice felt sick to her stomach as they made their way toward Kaido's stronghold, it was a trap, she just knew it, Kid was being an idiot. Once he set his mind to do something, there was no stopping him, no matter what the consequences may be. She leaned over the hull of the ship, shivering in the icy winds as they mercilessly tore at her, biting her through the many layers she had on, instantly chilling her to the bone.

"I too have a foreboding feeling." The mystic voice of Basil Hawkins sounded from behind her.

She turned to him ready to snap thinking he was with Apoo, but looked to the blonde curiously as she realized he was alone. "What?"

"You're worried." He said simply as he leaned against the hull next to her with his back to the sea, facing her.

"If you're worried too, why haven't you said anything?" Malice growled, her hellish eyes ablaze with fury.

"What good would it do he won't even listen to you." Hawkins smirked.

"Well that's not really that surprising, he never listens to me." Malice grumbled relaxing a little, she'd never had any reason to dislike the blonde captain of the Hawkins' Pirates and she found she could speak with him easily.

"A costly mistake on his part, I'm sure." Hawkins noted with an air of mystery in his voice.

"Well Kid's not one to ever take the easy path, he likes a challenge." Malice sighed, "He's going to get himself killed."

"I fear for the world, if that happens." Hawkins chuckled.

Malice threw him a curious look.

"No doubt you'd go on a rampage. I fear no one would be safe from, even those you care about."

"What are you saying?" Malice growled.

"It makes sense...you've been alone all your life, and when that fateful day came along that you fell in love with that eccentric, you didn't need anyone else in your life. While you may have found some people along the way that you tolerate or maybe even like or have feelings for, he's the only one you truly love, if that's taken away from you, I think it will shatter all other attachments you have to this world."

He was right. Without Kid, life was meaningless. Her hellish eyes turned on the mystical captain of the Hawkins' Pirates, "Then you know, he can't die, at all costs."

Hawkins chuckled, "That goes for you too. I fear you two are quite the power couple and neither of you have good coping skills." He teased her.

Malice laughed at this. "I guess you're not so bad. I might feel a little bad if I had to kill you."

"We'll be arriving soon." Hawkins noted distantly as he flipped through a deck of tarot cards in his hands.

Malice peered out across the water, "I can see it." She sighed as she spotted an island ahead, there weren't any ships in the harbor, that she could see, but due to the massive mountain range, she couldn't see the other side of the island. "We should meet with the others."

Hawkins nodded and they went to find the rest of their crew members. Malice found Kid and the others preparing to dock and storm the island. Her nerves were still on edge as they pulled into the empty harbor. It was too empty, too quiet. Why couldn't the other's see that?

"You know this is a trap, right?" Malice hissed at Kid as they stepped foot on the rocky island. It was a barren island, devoid of plant life, nothing but rocks, mountains and ice.

"Then that gives us an advantage." He smirked.

Malice shook her head. "I don't think you understand how traps work."

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