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King's Diner was packed with new customers which always pleased Oliver. When news that the serial killer known as the Maestro had often frequented the establishment, reporters and other curious tourists began visiting.

"Will this place ever calm down?" Tammy asked, a hand on her protruding stomach. "My feet are killing me."

"Take a break," Dolores told her. "The baby and your feet will thank you for it. Don't worry, I'll handle that table of handsome men for you."

Tammy had been working at the diner for a month. It wasn't the best job but it allowed her to earn money while still going to school.

Jax was sitting in his usual booth. He had been reading some old letters and postcards. Dani was across from him, a frown on her face. She still had dark circles under her eyes from her nightmares but she was becoming less frightened by the dreams that haunted her each night.

"Jax, I think you should do it. Just because he's your brother doesn't mean it's okay."

"I know Panda Eyes but this isn't easy. One, I don't know where he is. And two, my family will hate me if I put him in jail and they're all I have."

"As your friend and former partner, I have to tell you to stop being a Jaxass. You're Jax Michaels...aka my Apple Jax. You can find him."

"Your Apple Jax? I thought I was a Jaxass?"

"You're both," Dani said easily. "Also, your family won't hate you. They'll understand. Besides, they're not all you have."

Jax grinned and leaned forward so that their faces were incredibly close, "Who else do I have?"

Dani placed her hands on his cheeks and looked in his eyes, "You have...Roberto Montoya, your partner."

Jax frowned, "Panda Eyes, one of these days you're going to have to admit-"

He stopped talking when Dani reached between them and grabbed his hand, lacing their fingers together, "And...you also have me."

Jax smiled, "Same here Panda Eyes. Same here."


A/N: Thank you for reading! Also, for those of you that are disappointed there wasn't a kiss...don't be. This is book 1 of 3 (now 4 with Dream Phantom?) and I'm hoping to build their relationship over the next two stories. Jax still has issues about his ex-fiancée and Dani has some things she needs to work through.
***The ENTIRE series is posted here on Wattpad!

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