Chapter 5

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just cause some people was confused in the last chapter. jace was already in the car before stella got in. she was just too preoccupied to notice right away. i know that sounds weird, butit's happened to me before, so i know it's possible :)


The car starts moving and the six of us sit in silence. I take turns glaring at Connie, Rachel, Michael and Cameron for about 10 minutes. Jace is ignored the entire time and the others all ignore me.

“So,” Michael says finally. “Are you guys excited for the dance?”

“Yeah I guess.” Connie answers in a tiny voice. “I’m more excited for the band though.”

“Oh, yeah. I heard that G-67’s coming to play.”

“G-67? I love G-67!”

Connie and Michael begin talking about the dance and all the fun things to do. Eventually, Michael gets Rachel to start talking and then Cameron and Jace joins in. I stay quiet the entire time.

When we pull up at the school, their conversation had already swept past movies, TV shows and books. Now, they were in the middle of talking about music. Jace has horrible taste in music. I’m not surprised.

Rachel’s dad turns to tell us that we can get out of the car and Rachel nearly tears the door off. As soon as the door opens, she pulls Michael out and runs off into the school. Connie scurries off to find Jacky and Cameron just dashes away from me. He’s smart. He knows when to run, unlike Jace, who stands beside me, smiling.

“You ready to go?” he asks, falling into step beside me.

“No, I’m not. I’m not ready to go. That’s why I came,” I say sarcastically.

Jace laughs once and stuffs his hand into his pocket. “You know, I actually like this school.”

“Really.” There’s no hint of interest in my tone whatsoever.

“Yeah. When I came, I thought I was gonna have a hard time.”

Somehow, I picture Jace being a loner at his old school. If that was the case, maybe I should be nicer to him.

I turn to him and offer him a small smile. “Oh yeah? How come?”

“I wasn’t sure if I would be as popular with the ladies as I was back there. But, I guess I was wrong.”

“What’re you talking about?”

“Well, all the girls love me here and you’re like my biggest fan, so I’d say I’m pretty popular,” Jace says, smiling smugly at me.

I stare at him blankly for a second then pick up my pace. Jace catches up faster than lightning. It’s cause he has long legs. Long, skinny, female like legs is what I like to imagine him having.

“Hey, I was only kidding,” he says.

I roll my eyes. “Let’s just go.”

“So you’ll go to the dance with me?” he asks.

“No!” I say, spinning around so fast that I lose my balance. Next thing I know, I’m sitting on the ground and there’s a sharp pain in my butt.

Jace bursts out in laughter. “Oh man…did you just – did you just fall?”

“No. I just teleported myself onto the ground for no apparent reason,” I say sarcastically again.

Putting my hands on both sides, I push myself up to my feet. An intense pain starts throbbing in my ankle and I fall back down again.

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