Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

~~Alex's POV~~

"Game over Lucas. I win." Hayden says from behind as I stare wide eyed. I had to think fast but what can one do if stuck in a situation as dangerous as this? I smirk as an idea forms.

Element of surprise

I mouth to Lucas to 'keep talking' and the look in his eyes told me he understood.

"Okay, fine. You win. What are you going to do now?" Lucas says casually.

"You tell me where the headquarters are located or this little beauty is gone."

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh. "Oh Lucas, looks like the tables have turned. It's not you who's blackmailing me this time." I say still chuckling. Though I must look stupid since there's a knife ready to slice my neck in seconds.

"Shut up! No one asked you to talk you pathetic no good whore!" Lucas yells back at me but I smirk. Oh he's such a good actor. "Ever since you got involved with my life, you've done nothing but ruin it for me." Then he smirks as he looks at Hayden. " I guess the idiot behind you will do the dirty work for me, wouldn't want my hands to get covered in your filthy blood."

I tense up as I pretend to panic. "L-Luc-cas....nooo please!! LUCAS!" I was a little on edge though, what he said was nothing new to me, we would insult each other all day at school and actually mean it.

I wonder if he meant all that?

"Go on Hayden, get it over and done with whilst I'm here. I tried to kill her the first time but the stupid teacher just had to save her when I pushed her into the pond." Lucas scoffs as he crosses his arms. I was as shocked as Hayden was. I know he's just saying it to save me, but ouch....

Remind me not to get on his bad side cos damn he can be preeeety insulting.

"Fine." I feel Hayden shrug. "You might not care, but Cole does. His pathetic crush on her is quite amusing actually. So come on Cole, punch your twin to get out the location or your girl is gone." Lucas's look hardened for a brief second before it went back to neutral.

Cole gives out a laugh as if to say 'how pathetic can you be?'
"I could care less as to what happens to her. You underestimated me Hayden, I'm a loyal person and especially to you. It was all an act to get her to fall for me. But come on! You think I'd snoop that low to like a girl like her? It was all to get on Lucas's nerves but I guess he doesn't want her either." Cole shrugs as he unconsciously crosses his arms too.

Wow. They both look delicious standing there with their intimidating posture and they don't even know! Damn why they gotta do this to me!?

Hayden seemed to be loss for words. "This is ridiculous!"

"Yeah I know right! I thought they both loved me!" I sigh dramatically. "I always thought I could have two boyfriends." 

"Hold on... Then why are you here Lucas? You obviously have no one to rescue here." Hayden asks suspiciously.

"I came to finish off Cole and ruin his life just like he ruined mine." Lucas replies but I didn't miss the eye roll from Cole.

I took this as my chance to kick my foot backwards and hit Hayden hard in the groin as he dropped the knife to hold Hayden junior with his hands as he cried out in pain. "AHH SHIT! Are you even human!?"

I grab the knife as I watch it shine in the sun. "Naughty boy Hayden." I scold. "Didn't your mother teach you not to play with knives?" I smirk wickedly as Lucas and Cole hold him down.

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