Chapter 36: End

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Chapter 36

Ryan's POV (3 years later)

"Ryan where are you going?" Asked my best friend from college.

"I'm going to the hospital" I said walking faster.

"What to go see Emily, again?" She asked irritated.

"Yes" I simply said.

"Ryan don't you think is time to move on? I don't think after 3 years she is going to wake up. She is ruining your life. Making you go to the hospital almost every day."

"She is not making me do anything, I want to do it. And I'm not giving up on her." I said heading to my car. "And if you were my friend you would support me." I said getting in the car.

"Hey, Ryan" the nursed said. Everyone in the hospital knew me. I came here almost every day to see Emily. Hopping she will wake up. You would have thought that by her being in a coma would make me forget about her. Well you're wrong, it made my love for her grow.

"Hey babe" I said when I entered the room. Like always Emily was there. Her hair has grown so much. I put the flowers I brought next to the ones Jake brought her the other day. Jake comes here every Friday. He can't come every day because he got his own place when he turn 19, and is an hour drive to the hospital. Emily's mom and I get along now from seeing each other so much in the hospital. She got together with John and wants to get marry when Emily wakes up.

Brian and my aunt are in prison and will stay there for a long period of time. As for me I'm in college studying to be an engineer.

"So what do you want to do today? Would you like me to read to you? Your mom gave me a new book you would be interested in" I said picking the book up.

An hour has past and the nurse came in. "Visiting hours are over Ryan." she said.

"Ok let me use the bathroom and say goodbye." she nodded and left the room.

"I will be right back." I told Emily and went to the bathroom. When I finished I opened the door and saw Emily sitting down. I stood there shocked. I rub my eyes to make sure I was seeing well.

"Ryan" she said smiling.

"Emily? You're awake?" I asked getting closer. She just nodded smiling. I run to her and hug her. "I can't believe this, you're awake" I said tears coming down my cheek.

"Yes, I'm awake. How long was I out? It must of been weeks, my wound is barely visible." I stopped hugging her to look at her.

"You were in a coma for 3 years." I told her. She just stood there looking at me.

"What?! 3 years? I missed 3  whole years of my life? What happened to Brian? Where is Jake and Mom? I missed graduation?" She asked. I just nodded.

"And you're still here?" She asked

"I would never leave you behind, red." I said and she just started to cry. I hugged her and told her everything will be ok.


Yay! The story is finished. Oh My God, I never thought I would have written a story. But I did!!

Here it is my first story. I hope you had enjoy it as I did writing it. Please if you haven't voted yet please vote and comment! Love you guys!

I have to say I would miss Emily, Ryan and Jake.

Thanks to all my readers that made me want to finished this story.

Oh! And thanks to this lovely people especially that have been following me on my journey, well Emily's and Ryan's journey lol. Thank you for commenting and voting! And waiting so patiently for my updates.

If I have missed someone please inform me. Bye guys!! <3

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