Chapter 9: Hello again

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Chapter 9

Emily's P.O.V

"What is wrong Ryan?" Jake asked, looking at him. Ryan didn't answered him. He was just looking at me with a worried expression on his face.

"Ryan, tell us what is wrong" I said, getting annoyed. He was just looking worried then looked up the stairs.

"He is here" my face just got as pale as Edward Cullen's. I knew who he was talking about by the expression of his face.

"Who is he?" asked Jake. Looking confused as always.

"My father" said Ryan with anger.

"What are we going to do? Where is he? How did he get in?!!" I started to ask all this questions. I was panicking, all of those memories came into mind. How Ryan's dad pushed me and had the knife in my neck. Is he here to finally kill me?

I didn't notice I had tears running down my face. Can you blame me I was so scared I could pee.

"I think he left, I just saw him in the window trying to break in." Ryan explained, still looking up the stairs.

"But what was that noise?" asked Ryan looking up the stairs. "We should really call the police."

"I kind of broke your window trying to stop him from getting in. Sorry man." he said looking ashamed.

"Mom is going to kill me." Jake said pulling his hair. "How did you brake it?

"With a vase I found in the hallway, why does this matter now?" Ryan was getting annoyed now.

"Ay mi corazón!" said Jake putting his hand on his heart. "Why doesn't he kill me now. I bet it will be lest painful then what mom is going to do."

"We need to check to see if he really left, plus we have to call the police." I told them again, they just nodded and I went to get my phone.

When I called 911, they said they were on their way and to stay in one room, away from windows and doors.

"So what are we going to do now?" Jake asked, looking around the room and sitting down.

"Well, lets just go to the family room." I suggested, pulling him up.

"No, I mean what are we going to do, we could be in danger now, and he even knows where I live and came here." I could hear the panic all over his voice.

"It's okay Jake. The police is going to take care of the problem." I told him calmly.

"I'm so sorry guys, I didn't mean for this to happen." Ryan said.

"Its fine Ryan it wasn't your fault" I told him sitting down on the couch.

"Now Jake, go wash that poop off your face." Jake just glared at me and went to the kitchen followed by Ryan.

"Wait! Don't leave me alone!"

---------30 minutes later----------

Jake parent's came home and when they saw the police they almost killed Jake. They thought he did something wrong but when the police explained everything to them they just got very worried.

"Guys, I have bad news" one of the officers said looking at the three of us. "We explain to your parents what happened and well you're not safe here. We couldn't find Mr. Torres (Ryan's dad) anywhere." He explained to us.

"So what are we going to do?" asked Jake.

"Well, for your own safety is better that you guys leave town for a little while until we find him" he said "We will contact a family that lives in a farm that will happily let you stay until we find Mr. Torres" the officer said.

"But what about school?" I asked, my nerd side coming out.

"Well, your parents will know what to do with that, but it is official that you have to leave" he said "and we contacted your mother so she could pack and be ready for tomorrow morning, plus we would have some officer outside your house for safety" he told me and then left.

"Wait can you take me home? Please" I asked the officer, I didn't want to take time from Ryan or Jake, they needed it to pack.

"Sure" he said "go with Officer Mullins" he pointed to a big tall man.

I said my goodbyes and left, when I got home I said thanks to the officer and went inside. Let's say it was safer to be outside right now. I found my mom in the couch with Rocky beside her.

Here comes the real trouble.


My crush's dad wants me deadWhere stories live. Discover now