Chapter Two: Scream Fest

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Chapter Two

So even after the mishap that happened yesterday, I haven’t caught a glance of Drew the whole morning and now it was lunch time, I was hoping to spot him during lunch.

Scanning the cafeteria for the third time, I was about to lose hope.

“Cel, are you looking for somebody?” my friend, Lillian asked and I turned to face the rest of my friends who were looking at me with concerned looks.

I sighed and focused my attention on the salad I was eating, “No.”

“Celeste, tell us,” my other friend, Annabelle urged but I waved her off.

“Please don’t push it,” I pleaded and they nodded solemnly. I eyed the cafeteria for one more time before mentally groaning in disappointment. Drew was nowhere to be found, it was time to do some research.

“Hey Jessica,” I called out my blonde best friend who looked up from the spaghetti she was eating.


“What do you know about Drew Everett?”

Jessica Oliver was the captain of the cheer squad, she hears every gossip that happens and knows every single person in school. One time she heard that Lillian’s boyfriend was cheating on her and she egged on the poor guy until he finally confessed. She even went as far as threatening to killing Arnold.

If you’re wondering who Arnold was, it was the guy’s basketball; he treats that ball like a baby, it was always under his arm. Don’t ask.

“Drew Everett…” she trailed off while tapping her chin as if she was wracking her brain for a person with that name, “I don’t know much about him. I used to have a few classes with him over the years, but I usually see him alone by himself.”

“Too badass to have friends?” Annabelle joked in but Jessica shook her head.

“More like a loner,” she corrected before lifting her fork to point at one direction. I followed the tip of the fork and my eyes bulged to see Drew sitting there.

Maybe I should go back to wearing glasses again.

Sadly though, he was sitting alone at the table nearest to the dumpster.

“Why the sudden curiosity about a guy?” Jessica inquired with a knowing look.

I don’t exactly know the answer but since I didn’t reply, they started assuming and Lillian – being the good friend that she is – stood up and screamed at the top of her lungs, enough for the whole cafeteria to hear, “Oh my gosh, you have a crush!” while pointing straight at me.

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have a crush on Drew, I just met him last night and that was the first time we talked. You could say I was a little curious about the guy.

“Admit it Celeste, we're your best friend so we won’t judge,” Annabelle winked, “Even if it was Mr. Loner over there.”

“Nothing wrong with wanting to have some time alone,” Jessica defended and Annabelle shrugged.

“But being alone for all the time?”

I blame myself for this. I knew my friends well enough and I should have seen it coming that they’ll make a big deal out of this.

“Girls,” I say in an attempt to get their attention.

“Well, at least Celeste  is finally gaining a liking to the opposite gender,” Lillian crossed her arms over her chest while she was still standing up, “We were thinking you were turning lesbo already,” she continued before her face became blank, “Not that we have a problem with that.”

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