Chapter Three: Vending Machine

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Chapter Three

After paying for my lunch, I looked around the cafeteria for the familiar mop of brown hair. It’s as if I needed to look, I walked over to the table near the dumpster. I dropped my tray on the table where Drew was sitting at and his head shot up, giving me a weird look.

I plopped down on the seat opposite from and started picking on my fries, “Hey,” I greeted him with a nonchalant smile.

He kept looking at me weirdly before he opened his mouth, “Did I do something yesterday to make this seem okay?”

I only shrugged in response and he gave me a dry look before another tray was set down on the table, followed by two more.

“Hey Celeste,” Jessica greeted, taking the seat next to me while Lillian and Annabelle sandwiched poor Drew in between them.

He looked extremely uncomfortable and I fought the urge to giggle which would make him more embarrassed. He seems uncomfortable enough between my two friends, showing him my amusement would just be plain mean.

So is leaving abruptly like he did yesterday.

“You’re Drew Everett?” Lillian asked, turning to her right so she could get the full view of him. She looked at him up and down as if she was assessing him, “You’re not ugly so I approve of you dating our dear Celeste,” she said with a nod.

Cue blush.

I didn’t miss the tinge of pink currently decorating Drew’s cheeks.

“Stop embarrassing the boy, Lillian,” Jessica scolded as she popped one of my fries into her mouth and I shot her a glare; nobody takes my fries without my permission.

Lillian laughed and went back to feasting on the tater tots. I shook my head and laughed as the rest of my friends chatted among themselves. I gave Drew a comforting smile but he only returned it with a frown before standing up, grabbing his tray and bag then left.

I groaned and placed my head in my hands, “Tough blow, Cel,” Annabelle whistled lowly while shaking her head.

“Whatever,” I sighed, pushing my tray away from me now that I had lost my appetite. I’m sorry my dear fries.

I took my bottled water and started drinking it when Jessica opened her mouth, “I heard the Smith brothers are coming back,” she informed and I spat out the water while coughing loudly. Jessica made the move to pat my back.

If you’re wondering who the Smith brothers were, they’re my worst nightmare. They are fraternal twins who were set to make sure my life was a living hell.

Blake Smith, your ordinary fun loving football player who had the whole cheerleading squad eating at the palm of his hand. He’s your all American boy who had blonde hair and blue eyes. Did I mention he was my ex? But it’s not the way you think it is.

He dated me because of a bet. He was dared to date me for a month and he will be given a hundred dollars from his friends. He was my first boyfriend and how harsh was it to hear that you’re supposed ‘first love’ was all because of a bet.

I cried for weeks while Jessica and Lillian became my support team. My grades went downhill and I cared less about my appearance more than usual. I was a total mess all because of a stupid one hundred dollar bet.

Lucas Smith was this town’s notorious bad boy. He even sported a leather jacket on one of the hottest day of the year. Just looking at him made me sweat buckets full.

Dude, I get it if you’re wearing sunglasses but take off your jacket, it makes you look like a mad man.

On the day before his family moved away, he dyed his hair black to fit his style more, but I saw him more of a devil than ever.

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