Chapter 2

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The last boy walks up and his palm hits the stone. Everyone leans forward and....


Nothing happens. The stone does nothing. Everyone is tittering silently and the poor boy looks confused. Who is the last dragon rider?

The village leader walks onto the platform and, in a shaky voice, says "Um.. On account of this, strange event, uh.. the last dragon rider has yet to be found. We will test the girls next?" he and the official dragon rider, his name is Hunter shrug helplessly. All the girls are either crying or walking slowly up the stairs. I march up to the platform and I can feel the eyes of Hunter on me. Since my last name begins with a M, I will go towards the middle of the group. The first 20 or so girls touch the stone, with no avail, before my name is called.

"Zircon Morgan." calls the mayor. I go up to the stone, eager to see what it feels like. I reach toward the stone, my hand moving with it's own mind. It pulses with energy beneath my palm and it heats up ever so slightly on contact. I wait for a moment before I have to look away. It's pulsing, flaring up wildly, the people in the front row shy away from its heat. The lights are a bright golden. My hair floats up as if on a wind though the air is still. As suddenly as it started, it stops.  The golden glow is still present, flaring avery so often. For a minute everything is silent. No birds chirp, no trees shake. Then, you can hear my mother softly weeping. My sisters gasp and rush to her. I look at my father and he has tears in his eyes as well, though I feel for a different reason.

"Alright!" the leader gets back up onto the stage. "Everyone can go. The fifth dragon rider has been found." You can hear the question in his voice but everyone walks away shaking their heads. Has the stone made a mistake? Why is the last dragon rider a girl?

My family stays and when everyone has cleared out, they all rush to me. Mother clings to me, crying and whispering random things. Father watches a moment before he sighs and hugs me tightly. "We always knew you would do great things. Who knew it would be this much?". My sisters stand slightly away but I know they will miss me as well. Hunter clears his throat.

"Mam, sir, I have orders to take all the dragon riders and mages to the academy as quickly as possible so I'm afraid we have to cut this short. " his words are harsh but his tone is soft and sorry.

"Can she at least pack her stuff?" implies my father.

Hunter hesitates before answering with an affirmative nod. I thank him before running home. My family follows me as I pull out my knapsack and throw in all of my belongings. My mother adds a hair brush and a leather tie while my father grabs a soap. Right as I am about to leave the house, my sisters run to me and give me a parcel. They tell me not to open it until I am safely in the air. I thank and hug them before sprinting back to the square. Upon arrival, I hear a boy, an air mage I think, complaining about something.

"Why aren't we allowed to pack any of our stuff when she is?"

"Because," Hunter sighs, exasperated "the academy has prepared for 5 boys. Not four boys and one girl. The uniforms will not fit her and she has no roommate! Stop complaining! She isn't complaining and she wasn't expecting to go to the academy!" I clear my throat and they both spin to face me. Hunter has his sword and is swinging before he has finished the turn completely. On a reflex, I duck right before it slices me. I drop into a crouch and kick my leg out. Hunter falls with a loud thump as I register what happened. He jumps to his feet and open his mouth. I cringe and wait for him to yell.

"Good job." is all he says before turning to the rest of the mages. They all have their mouths dropped open and their eyes wide. "Alright." Hunter rubs his hands together. "We will be taking four dragons with three of you on each." Four dragons land right after we split into groups of three. I am with a water mage named Henry and a dragon rider named Garret. Hunter doesn't say anything, just points us to our respective dragons. My group gets a cream colored dragon with a rider who has black hair and green eyes. The dragon lowers her head and evaluates us.

'Hello. My name is Lance.'

I smile and approach him. He seems polite and nice. "Hello Lance."

"How do you know his name?" asks the rider accusingly.

"He told me."


Hello!! I updated early because I had extra time so.... Yeah.

Anyway, pls comment on what you like and what you want me to improve!




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