Chapter 27

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"Alright, " Derreck rubs his hands together. "are you ready to begin training?"
"Nope." I reply cheekily.
"Well to bad so sad." He jokes back. Aaron ( I know that there was some confusion but his name is Aaron. Not fox, Aaron.) just watches us banter back and forth, never saying anything.
"So." Derreck begins again "I have decided that we will start with something small. I want you and your dragon to communicate using.." He does jazz hands. " your thoughts."
'Hi.' I broadcast to Amipere.
"Ok. Done." I tell Derreck. His mouth is open as if getting ready to explain something but stops when I talk.
"Really?" Aaron leans in, curious.
"Uh. Yah?" I know Amipere is special but I would assume they knew that. Huh.
"Oh. Nothing." Derreck says, distracted for some reason. Aaron takes pity on him.
"Zircon. What Derreck means is that most dragon- rider pairs can't so much as communicate orally, much less mentally. He was surprised, that's all." I nod in understanding.
"Well in that case, we can learn more about your dragon."
"Sure. What do you want to know ?"
"What's her name?"
"Amipere." Easy.
"Is she defense or offense?"
'Offense' comes the immediate reply from Amipere and I translate.
"Ok. What kind of dragon is she?"

'Um..' Amipere has to think for a moment. 'Elemental I think.' 

"She thinks she's elemental." I relay to Derreck who nods. 

"Ok. What element?" Ampere seems stumped so I try to help. 

"What are the options?"

"There's water, fire, earth, air, mind, nature, animal, and spirit." Amipere thinks for a moment before hesitantly replying. 

'Maybe animal? Or nature?'

"She says animal or nature. Wait." I suddenly think of something. "Can she have two?"

"Well," Derreck sighs "there have been rumors that female dragons have two or three but no one knows because females are rare."

"Then where do eggs come from?" This makes no sense.

"The few females we have are all for breeding. They can have up to 9 eggs in a clutch." Weirdos. Who wants to have 9 clutches of 9 eggs? Well. Anyway. 

"I think then, that Amipere is a female, offensive, nature and animal elemental dragon." Whew. What a mouthful. 

Aaron finally speaks up. "I think she isn't an elemental." The air is suddenly silent as Derreck, Amipere and I all look at him. What does he mean?


Hey Guys! I'm back. Sorry for the really long wait. I got the project over with and then had to start another really annoying project so... Blergh. Anyway, the point is that I'm back. I was so excited to see all of your lovely comments and suggestions when I came back. It made me really happy that people liked my book. Dragons Rider is now #16 is Fantasy! YAY!! Thanks to everyone who helped me achieve that. It means a lot. Sappy moment aside, I now plan to update semi-regularly again. I can't promise 2 updates a week but I will promise 1. They won't be on specific days (Just whenever I finish a chapter.)

Please comment on what I can improve on. And votes are always welcome *wink wink*

Thanks!!!!!! This is a reeeeeeeally long Authors Note :(



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