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Everything faded into darkness as the pain grew and grew until it felt like it would swallow him whole. He hurt-oh, how he hurt!-and nothing seemed to ease it.

Faintly, he heard a scream.

That person must be in pain as well, huh? Or maybe they were scared? This darkness was pretty frightening...

That was him screaming, wasn't it?

He wasn't surprised. No, instead he kept screaming and the pain increased and he felt as if he was falling, falling, falling-

Until everything stopped.

His screams, the pain, the drop. He couldn't move, his senses numbed. His thoughts fuzzy and his arm was warm. Oh, how he welcomed the warmth that broke through the darkness and made everything seem better somehow.

Who was he, again?

He couldn't remember. Neah? Was that his name?


No? If it wasn't Neah, then what was it? A color...he remembered a color. R...Red...? Red! That must be it, right?

Not anymore.

What does that even mean? Did he have a new name? The soothing voice seemed to know and boy, he just wanted to as well.

Allen Walker. That's your name.

Ah. He was grateful for the voice, now. It was warm just like his arm.

Wake up, Allen.

He was asleep? That would explain the darkness, then. But the thought of opening his eyes...terrified him. What if something bad happens?

We'll protect you.

Who would? Who was this 'we' the voice spoke of?

Me and Crown Clown.

Crown Clown...? Was that his arm? It's familiar...but who was the 'me'? It was only getting more confusing.

It's me, your uncle Neah.

Uncle Neah? So that's where the name came from!

You need to wake up now.

And wake up he did.

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