Chapter 3

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how many nights does it take to count the stars? 

that's the time it would take to fix my heart.  


The next day, I still couldn't get the wolf out of my head. Every time I closed my eyes, I just saw golden eyes staring back at me. It was the strangest experience of my life. I should have been more scared and what was I thinking going up to it? It is a wild wolf! The ones my grandparents had warned me to stay away from because they're dangerous. Something drew me toward him and call me crazy, but it was like I was being pulled closer to the wolf.

I ended up staying up last night drawing in my sketchbook. I mostly drew the black wolf but I also sketched some of the landscape I had seen, even the picture of the dogs drinking from the lake.

The next morning, I was sitting at the kitchen table sketching some more when my grandparents came in. I sniffed the air and loved what I was smelling. It smelled like chocolate chip pancakes with hash browns.

"Bailey, are you home?" I heard my grandpa ask from the living room.

"Yeah, in the kitchen." I said, putting my plate and cup in the sink.

"How was shopping?" My grandma asked me. I hadn't seen them last night when I got home.

My grandma put her bags down on the counter and my grandpa said hello and then went upstairs. "It was good. I got some more clothes and shoes, mostly stuff I lost in the fire."

"That's good honey. I have some leftovers from the diner we went to this morning, do you want some?"

I shook my head, "No thanks, I just had some waffles. I'm actually going to head outside and sketch some more."

My grandma gave me a kiss on the head and then I went outside where I sat for most of the day.


I must have dozed off while I was outside because when I opened my eyes, I woke up on the ground. Confused, I sat up and realized that I was in the woods. How did I end up here?

Looking around, I realized that I needed to get home. The sun was beginning to set and I knew that if my grandma saw me, I would get into trouble, even if this time I had no clue how I ended up in these woods. Wasn't I just sketching on the back porch?

I looked around and felt like something was watching me again. The smell of cinnamon and wood filled my senses again and I had a feeling that the black wolf was near. I stood up and when I began to walk back to the house, the wolf emerged from the bushes to my right. I stopped and stared at it. The wolf was beautiful with shiny black fur and golden eyes. The wolf was almost as tall as me, which should have scared me but It didn't. Were wolves always this big? I think I needed to do some research later.

The wolf came closer to me and I outstretched my hand again and let it smell me. Is this what I'm supposed to do? Once it realized that I wasn't a threat, the wolf came closer and let me pet it. My hand went through its fur, loving the silky feeling and the electricity I felt when I did it.Up closer, I noticed that the wolf had brown intertwined within the black fur. He was even more beautiful up close.

I slowly removed my hand from the wolf and stared into its eyes. The wolf's eyes were beautiful and I felt like it could see right through me.

"This is so weird. I'm petting a wild wolf. What the fuck am I doing? Am I really talking to a wolf right now? It's not like you can understand me but I need to get home. I don't know how I ended up out here. I fell asleep on the back porch at home and then I woke up out here. I need to get home because my grandma might have a heart attack if she realizes that I'm even out here. She warned me to never come into the woods because of wolves like you."

When I said that, the wolf pinned his ears and a low growl emitted from him. Shouldn't that have scared me? Why am I acting so calm right now? "Hey, but don't worry, you're nice and I don't think you're going to hurt me. My grandma just wants me to be safe and I should get home before she even realizes that I made my way out here again. I really need to go but I'll come back tomorrow and maybe you'll be here too?"

The wolf's ears perked up and I couldn't help but smile. He was like a giant puppy. I began walking back to my grandparent's house. I walked a little faster when I saw the house and before I knew it, I was running. I was smiling the whole time, missing the feeling of running and the wind blowing through my hair. When I stopped running, I wasn't out of breath and felt like I could run forever. When I made it to the back door, I turned around and saw the wolf sitting at the edge of the woods entrance.

When I went back into the house, I went into the bathroom to shower since I had slept on the ground. I felt dirty and gross and decided that a shower might make me feel better. When I looked in the mirror to wash my face, I almost screamed. I blinked five times just to make sure I wasn't going crazy but my eyes remained a golden color.


Later that night, I decided to go back into town in hopes of finding a job and maybe shop a little more to take my mind off of the wolf and my eyes turning gold. My dad gave me his truck to take and I happily took the keys.

When I made it into town, I went to a store that I didn't go to yesterday. I parked the truck and went inside, exploring everything they had. It was a little drugstore. I went directly to the candy aisle, hoping to find some sour patch kids. When I found what I was looking for, I turned around and ended up bumping into someone, causing me to drop some of the things I was carrying.

"Oh gosh, I am so sorry." I said, bending down to pick up the things I had dropped. I looked up and saw a cute guy helping me. He had black hair and amazing cheekbones. Something about him felt familiar.

"Don't worry about it. I wasn't paying attention either. I'm sorry about that."

We both stood up once everything was picked up and he handed me a few things as well. Our hands briefly touched and I felt a shock which caused me to jerk my hand away from him. Is this what people meant when they said they felt sparks when meeting 'the one?'

"Sorry," I said. How many times am I going to say sorry?

"Really, it's okay. I'm Chance."

"Hi, I'm Bailey."

"Are you new here? I feel like I haven't ever seen you before."

I nodded, "My parents and I moved here a few days ago. We live with my grandparents, out near the woods."

His face lit up, "Yeah, that's Clarence and Linda's place, right?"

"Yes, do you know them?"

"They sometimes help my family out with our family business." He said, giving me a small smile.

I placed my makeup and candy into one of the shopping baskets I saw sitting around. "Oh, what does your family do?"

Chance gave me a weird look. Should I know what his family does or something? "We sort of own the town."

I was a little confused. How do you sort of own a town? "Like a mayor?"

Chance nodded. "Yeah, sort of like that. I have to get going now or else I'm going to be late for work. I'll tell your grandparents I saw you."

"It was nice meeting you, Chance."

"You too, Bailey. Hopefully I'll see you around."

And just like that, he was gone.


hi hi hi if you like this please comment and vote and possibly follow me. the beginning will be a little boring and slow but i have to build everything up between chance and bailey

bailey to the side as lily collins 

Song: Infinity by One Direction 

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