Chapter 4

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yeah, the ink may stain my skin,

 and my jeans may all be ripped

 i'm not perfect, but i swear i'm perfect for you.


Have you ever met a cute guy and then start to make up scenarios about him in your head? Like what it would be like to be dating or imagining yourself coming home to them after a long day at work? Sometimes I get in my head about things like this and imagine what it would be like to be safe and happy. Or am I just weird?

After I had gotten home from the store, it was midafternoon and I decided to venture into the woods again. Call me crazy but it felt like the woods were calling for me, begging me to step into them again. I feel like I'm going crazy. Maybe this is a side effect of my brain just processing everything that has happened to me in the last few days. Or maybe I need to start seeing my therapist again and stop taking my break from her. I told her that I needed time to adjust to the move but maybe I need her back sooner rather than later.

I went back into the woods and brought my sketchbook with me, hoping to draw the wolf and landscape some more. When I made it to the spot where I had first seen the wolf, I noticed that the he was already sitting there, like he had been waiting for me to come.

I went over and sat down against the tree. The wolf took a few steps toward me and stopped at the beginning of my shoes. "Hey, buddy. This is so weird. I'm out here talking to a wolf again like he'll talk back to me. I brought my sketchbook," I lifted the book from my lap and showed the wolf. He tilted his head to the side and stared at me with watching eyes. "I wanted to draw you, which sounds weird to even be saying. I feel like you can understand me, so if you can, lay down or just stay still."

The wolf laid down in front of me, resting his head on his front paws. His ears were up and alert. He looked content. I began flipping through my book looking for an empty page. When I got to a blank page, the wolf relaxed even more. I looked over and noticed the brown streaks running through his fur, shining in the sunlight coming through the trees. Before I began drawing, I stuck my hand out slowly and ran my hand through his soft fur. A light purr erupted from him and his eyes closed. I began to draw.


After a few hours, the sun was beginning to set and I decided that I should get home before my family began to question where I was and where I was spending all of my time these last few days. When I made it to the back door, my grandma was standing at the door with a hand on her hip and a disapproving look on her face. "And where have you been?"

I looked back and saw the sun setting and my fingers were itching to take my phone out to capture a picture. "I was in the woods."

My grandma looked shocked. "Didn't I say we had one rule while you were living here? That rule was to never enter those woods. They are dangerous, Bailey! You could have gotten seriously hurt out there. What were you thinking? There are harmful animals out there and hunters."

I sighed and avoided eye contact. I really hated confrontation like this and I know it was my own fault but how can I deny myself the pleasure of seeing a wolf that seemed like he was made just for me? "I was thinking that I'm almost twenty and I can decide what I do with my life. I'm not a child anymore, grandma. I can make decisions for myself. I haven't seen anything harmful in the woods or any hunters. Also, why are hunters hunting on private grounds?"

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