Chapter Thirty-One: Four Years

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I lifted a pair of shoes and Kyla shook her head, rejecting them. I huffed before throwing in them in the box that was supposed to be sent to charity. I showed her the next pair and she nodded, gesturing to the box that I will bring with me to college.

"Why are you packing so early, we still have finals to worry about," Kyla asked from her position on my bed.

"Because I only have about a week after graduation before I leave," I explained, sealing the box with packaging tape, "I don't want to spend the whole time doing this."

She hummed at my answer before going to the stack of books on top of my shelf. She carefully slid out one thin book and showed it to me, "Middle school yearbook?"

My eyes widened at the sight of the yearbook that had been piling dust since I got it. I rushed to her and grabbed it from her hands, "I can't believe I forgot about this."

I flipped through the pages until I landed on Jasper's picture, smiling at the awkward boy staring at the camera. I lifted a hand and allowed my fingers to trace the text below the image, my skin going over his name.

His hair flopped down, covering most of his forehead that I knew he used to be so insecure about. He had this crooked smirk that he did instead of a smile because he thought that he looked cooler than that, and judging from the multi-colored shirt, his fashion sense wasn't the best as well.

But either way, he was still the Jasper I loved.

He wasn't even in the basketball team in middle school, it wasn't because he didn't make it, but because he didn't have the courage to go to the try outs. If I wasn't there in freshman year to push him to the gym on that faithful day, he would have never earned his scholarship today.

I looked through the pages once again until I saw my picture. Kyla craned her neck to look at the picture before glancing towards me, "You haven't changed that much."

She was correct, I might have lost some weight and my hair was definitely longer, but I didn't change as drastically as Jasper did.

"Well Jasper did work hard during that summer before high school," I grinned at the memory, turning to the page where the different group shots were printed on.

I wanted to laugh at the sight of Jasper and I standing side by side. There was only about half an inch difference between us, but now, puberty hit him like a speeding bus as he now is a good six inches taller than me.

"Is that Tristan?" Kyla gasped at her boyfriend who stood at the back in one of the pictures. I squinted my eyes to confirm that it was indeed him.

I never knew we went to the same middle school.

"What are you girls doing?" somebody knocked on my door.

"Going down memory lane," Kyla replied, "Weren't you a little cutie."

Jasper visibly blush in embarrassment when Kyla lifted up the yearbook to show him his old picture. He scrambled around to snatch the book from her, slamming it shut and gripping it tightly by his side.

"Don't you dare," he said.

Too late for that, babe.

Kyla laughed and she bent down to get her jacket, "Well, it looks like I'm no longer needed here."

I frowned as I shook my head, "Stay, we can all go out to eat or something."

Her gaze switched from me to Jasper, her eyebrows rose as she showed her signature smirk, "You two enjoy, besides, I still have to get ready, I'm having dinner with Tristan and his parents."

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