Chapter Six: Pathetic

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“Stupid dinner,” I grumbled under my breath, placing on my shoes.

Macy specifically told me to dress fancy. The minute I came home and told my mom about the dinner invitation, her eyes brightened as if she finally had something to do with a daughter.

She pushed me into my room, basically shoving every single dress I owned into my face. She treated me like a life-size Barbie, curling my hair and applying my makeup. I swear, she’s more excited about this than what I’m supposed to be.

Deep breaths, Savannah, you’ve ate with the Dean siblings long before.

That was before you suddenly cut off your friendship with Jasper.

Oh shut it, little voice in my head. I’m seriously starting to go crazy now.

The curtains of my window was closed, preventing Jasper to have any view of my bedroom. He wouldn’t exactly want to see the mess my mom and I created. Various articles of clothing and shoes were thrown around carelessly.

This is going to be a bitch to clean up when I get home.

Happy thoughts. Pretend you’re in a My Little Pony tea party instead of a dinner with those two.

Wait, what?

Somebody really needs to check me into a mental hospital.

The doorbell rang and I almost fainted. My mother passed my open door while she was walking to get the door.

“Good luck, honey,” she encouraged sweetly before scampering to answer the door.

I’m going to need more than luck to survive this thing.

Remember, don’t act stupid. Nod when you agree, shake your head if you don’t. The less you talk, the less damage you’ll be able to make.

Just for props, my mother called for me, “Savannah!”

She knew that I was aware that it was the Dean’s right outside our front door. She was buying me extra time to calm myself down.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I nodded at myself, throwing a little look of encouragement at my reflection. Spinning around, I grabbed my purse as I started to walk out of my room, going downstairs to where everybody was waiting.

“Ariel!” I heard Macy squeal, they came into view when I was at the top of the stairs. She threw her arms around my mother, using her as another victim of her unbreathable bear hug, “It’s so good to see you again.”

Mom laughed, calmly hugging Macy back, “You too, how’s it going with the job?”

She finally found the thought to release her, but she still smiling from ear to ear, “It’s tough but nothing this girl can’t handle.”

I started to slowly walk down, gripping the railing of the stairs to keep myself stable. Breathe, Savannah, this is only one night.

Jasper was the first one to catch sight of me while he leaned against the wall with the most bored expression on his face. He brightened up like somebody pressed a switch in him and he smiled right at me.

The same smile that got me falling for him years ago. It never lost its magic but too bad I’m no longer in the same mental state as before.

“Hi,” he greeted once my foot was safely pressed on the floor.

“Hey,” I nodded, offering him a polite smile.

Macy turned to us, greeting me with the same grin she showed my mother, “You look amazing, Savannah.”

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