Chapter 1

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"Hey Katniss!" Glimmer says as I walk into the back dressing room of the Trackerjacker Gentlemen's Club. What an ironic name. People try to make these places sound more socially acceptable by calling them Gentlemen's Clubs, but no true Gentleman would come to a strip joint. "You just missed Cashmere. She laid your costume on your makeup stand."

"Okay," I say. "Thanks."

"Don't look so sad," she says. "Someday, this part of our lives will be far behind us."

"But how many people would be willing to see it as just the past," I say bitterly. "How many husbands will drop you once they hear you used to be a stripper."

"You'll see Katniss," she says. "There's a guy out there for each of us who won't care. If they mind, then they don't really love you." I don't dare crush that dream. I may be just a shell anymore, but I can't stand to shatter the light of hope that somehow still burns in her green eyes.

"Well I better go get ready for my first set," I say. "See you around Honey." She frowns slightly at my use of her stage name.

"You too Fancy," she says looking down and grabbing the rest of her golden spangled costume and walks away from me. I go over to my section of the long mirror by the wall and pick up the scarlet lingerie and skimpy tear away dress. I slink behind one of the curtains and slip into the measly excuse for and out making sure everything is covered where it needs to be for now. I step out and sit on a chair while some girl gives me black smoky eyes and paints my lips red.

"You look beautiful," the girl comments.

"I look like a whore," I reply. "Which is a good thing because the more I look like a whore, the better the money is when I'm swing from a pole half naked." I walk over to the wall where the schedules are kept and feel a hand on my shoulder. I turn to see Cashmere standing there with a sad smile on her face.

"I got some good news and I got bad news," she says. "Which do you want first."

"The bad," I say.

"You're working the champagne room for the bachelor party at eight thirty," she says. "Johanna just called in sick."

"What's the good news then?" I ask.

"You only have one set tonight because after your first one, you're just chilling with the guys in the champagne room," she says.

"Yeah, and getting felt up," I say. "That's the reason I stopped waitressing. Because they can't touch me up there."

"It's just for tonight Baby," she says. "Now you better go get ready. Your set should be starting soon." I nod and she kisses my cheek. "Like I always tell you, this is just a rest stop on that amazing journey that's gonna be your life. Now here's your one chance Fancy. Don't let me down." She leaves and I hear the familiar rumble of my music. I walk over to the curtain that leads to the front stage.

"Everyone, please put your hands together for Fancy," I step out as Warrant's "Cherry Pie" plays and there are hoots and hollers as I tear off the dress and start my routine by climbing on the pole and swinging around. I try to ignore the eyes judging every part of my body and the crude comments as I dance, occasionally picking up the money people throw up on the stage.

Just as my dance is almost over, I make the mistake of meeting someone's eyes. He's about my age and I feel like I recognize him from somewhere. The deep blue eyes and ash blonde hair are very familiar although I can't just make where. I give him a smile and I wink as I gather up the rest of the money and strut off stage. I give Cashmere the house's cut and stock away the rest in my locking drawer before checking my make up and heading to the back room that Cashmere calls the Champagne room. I walk in to see that there are only about five guys in there. Glimmer is already giving the groom to be while three of the other guys watch. The last one looks almost bored, playing on his phone. I go over to him and sit down beside him, laying one of my legs across his lap startling him. He looks up and I realize he's the same boy who caught my eye earlier.

"He handsome," I say. "Aren't you enjoying the party?" God! I disgust myself.

"Strip clubs aren't really my thing," he says. "And neither are strippers. No offense."

"None taken sweet thing," I say. "But it would be nice to sit with you while your friends enjoy themselves. It's not often a real gentleman wanders in here."

"Don't you have a job to do?" he asks, looking at me slightly annoyed.

"Yes," I say sliding my leg completely over so I'm sitting on his lap and place my hands on his shoulders. "And that is to make sure all my patrons have a good time."

"What are you doing?" he asks.

"I'm pretty sure you know exactly what I'm doing Baby," I say pressing myself close to him. I feel some thing move next to my thigh and I smirk at him. "And I think it's working."

"No, I mean why is a girl like you working at a place like this," he says. "You're my age if not a little bit older."

"Because a girl's got to use what she's got to pay the bills Honey," I say. "An apartment and a decent meal ain't cheap. Besides, I could be doing much worse than strip teases for drunken idiots and lap dances for cute little college boys like you Blondie." I lean myself closer to him but he grabs my waist gently and pushes me back. "What? Do you not think I'm pretty enough to have a little fun with?"

"No," he says. "You're beautiful. But I don't intend to pay you to make that beautiful body of yours into a piece of meat." I look into his blue eyes and see nothing but gentleness in them. I just sit there for a moment, feeling Fancy melt away for a second before I let a tear run down my cheek.

"No one's ever said anything like that to me before," I say.

"Well they should," he says, suddenly looking nervous. "It's true." I feel a faint blush rise on my cheeks as I lean forward and cup his cheeks.

"Well you don't have to pay for it Sweetie," I whisper just loud enough for him to hear. "This one's on me." And before he can say anything, I crash my lips into his.

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