The phone wasn't ringing, so I was super depressed.

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July 14, 1998

Today was so boring. Jenna and Melanie weren't home, and they're the only people I feel comfortable calling. I couldn't call Nathan, because he's the one who said he would call me back but didn't.

So I watched TV for a long time and got really bored with it, and the phone wasn't ringing, so I was super depressed.

So then I picked up the phone and called Daniel. He was the only person who could give me some information about what was up with Nathan. He said, "Hello?" I said, "Hi Daniel, it's Emily. I need you to do me a favor." ["Oh, I'm fine, thanks, how are you?"]

He said, "Sure." I said, "Does Nathan not like me anymore?" And he said, "No, Emily, he likes you." So according to Daniel, Nathan does like me.

I'm invited to Shauna's party on the 24th. Nathan is invited, too! I'm really, really looking forward to it. Melanie and I are planning everything we're going to do that day. I am getting way too obsessed with it, though, so it will probably end up sucking. [Shauna's party = the New Years Eve of middle school.]

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