I'm not going to go out with anyone else now, not until high school.

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July 16, 1999

Today after camp, Stacy and Melanie came over. I had gotten a letter from Zach, which I read half-heartedly and then tossed in the box where I save all the letters I receive. [Ouch.] We walked to Dunkin' Donuts to get Fruit Coolattas and on the way back, we passed by Jacob's house. He and Tyler were outside on their bikes. [Mmmm Coolattas were the best.]

We stopped to talk and they came with us back to my house. We hung around in my driveway for about a half hour. Stacy told me she had been talking to James, and he had told her that Scott likes me. I definitely don't like Scott as a boyfriend.

Anyway, Melanie's dad came to pick her up and then Stacy, Tyler, Jacob and I went downstairs to my basement, which is full of interesting things to do. It has a huge chest full of dress-up clothes, a piano, tiny bicycles, weird board games, a Nordic Trak, and lots of other random things.

We weren't really having deep discussions or anything, we were just fooling around. We went upstairs and made a video, lasting about two minutes, mostly consisting of Tyler trying to get the rest of us to look at the camera. The guys didn't leave until 9pm!

I decided to definitely break up with Zach. There is no question about it. The next time he calls I have to do it. And I have to do it myself, not get someone else to do it for me, and I have to do it nicely, so he won't end up hating me and telling everyone I'm a slut again. I'm not going to go out with anyone else now, not until high school. [Yeah... we'll see how that works out for me.]

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