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Important NOTE AT BOTTOM! :)

Chapter 18: Lolita Lips

Macy's POV

Eyes darting to the clock and from the clock, I notice Harry staring at me. Since our very intimate romance yesterday, I had been nervous that he'd act different around me but thankfully he cut me some slack. I mean, after all, I did get Vern Cummings excited. That was definitely something to me. Harry pops his sucker from his slick and wet lips, giving me a wink before plopping it back into his mouth with a smirk and his cheek thick.

I blush, hiding my face behind my curtain of hair. A shadow is placed on the table in front of me and I gradually trail up the arm until I found the smirking hottie.

"Last night was entertaining," he says, popping his sucker from his lips to speak clearly. "Want to try to woo me and," he motions to his zipper. "Vern here again?"

Of course he wouldn't cut me slack.

Pushing his arm away with a scowl, I blush even deeper. "Vern is still the same Vern even after a year," I say sarcastically.

Harry raises his brows deviously. "Well it's because he hasn't gotten any Lolita Lips, if you know what I mean." He winks at me, nudging my shoulder. "Huh? Huh?"

My face heats up and I have to push him off of me. "You gave female parts a name!" I didn't even make it a question. This was a full out statement.

He chuckles, nodding and allowing his curls to fold around his face. "Look at the poor thing," he points to where his... buddy... was drooping. "He hasn't had a warm bed-"

"Harry stop!" I cover my ears and he yanks them off.

"He had been excited then got disappointed. Your fault."

"Knock it off now, ok?" I say sternly, giving him the best scowl.

He cowers, raising his hands up. "Ok ok. I understand. I'll stop."

"Thank you."

"Just know that the option is still available-"

"Ok bye. Thanks Harry," I salute towards him and he chuckles, walking back to his desk. Flipping thru pages in my book, my eyes widen as I realize this was the day we were learning about how babies were made.

The tardy bell rings, signaling that the teacher can begin. The professor stands to his feet. "Now I know most of you learned about this in High School, but with the amount of you people getting pregnant, including my eighteen year old daughter," his face grows redder with anger. "you need to understand that having children ain't fun!"

We all giggle and he silences us with a glare.

Pulling out a chart, it shows the females ovaries then he pulls out another chart of the testicles. "Children are made..."

I sneak a peek at Harry, watching as he slowly glides his tongue over his lip as he stares at the charts. Of course. He looks to where I am and grins, giving a thumbs up. He knew all about this of course.

Rolling my eyes at him, the professor continues talking about 'it' until my mind dozes off.

We were going to have kids- Harry and I.

Smiling dreamily and resting my head against my right hand, I stare at the wall. I was in love with the idea of little Harry and Macy's running around. Surely they'd be beautiful, not even just because we're the parents and have to tell them but because Harry was beautiful. The fact that I was so fortunate to have Harry even look at me made my heart soar. I wanted him to marry me immediately.

I was going to ask him tonight about it. The faster we were married, the faster we could create the future we had always wanted. I just needed to think of a way on how to make sure that everything was perfect and that we could do it. Besides that, where was a good pace to tell someone you want to marry before you're out of college?

Before I know it, the bell rings and Harry leads me to my dorm since that was my last class.

"You're awfully quiet," he says, pulling his backpack straps closer to his back. "What's up?"

I sigh, shrugging. I couldn't tell Harry that I wanted to marry before college was over. If he couldn't even bring it up on his own, why should I? Shaking my head, I go into my dorm and stop dead in my tracks when I see a women with dark hair, blue eyes, and pale skin. She sits on my bed, reading a book.

"Hello Macy," she says, grinning at me.

The face. It was a face I had seen in plenty of photos but went to great detail when right in front of you. At this moment, I was glad I was squeezing Harry's hand. Without him, I think I would have fainted. The woman before me- the one who had a similar, but aged face- was one that no child could forget even if it was a thousand years before seeing them again.

Harry looks between the two us confusedly. "Macy who is this?"

"My... My... m-m-mom," I stutter.


A few questions have popped up wondering if our lovely couple Hacy were going to do... it ;) The answer is yes. Description may or may not be in it, but I just wanted that out of the way so you'll never wonder again! PLEASE CONTINUE READING THIS STORY! EACH ONE OF YOU IS A BLESSING FROM HEAVEN! Thank you x Shout out to EsteeStyles ... Harrysbae56 ... chula_loca ... BieberAndHazza, and alanna_smith222 for continuing reading this story and leaving votes/comments as well! LOVE YOU GUYS and hope I don't disappoint with the ending.

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